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How do you turn affiliates' EMPLOYEE a BUSINESS OWNER mentality?

6607 votes

Neville Turner, Aff (South Africa) 8/15/2014 4:44 am

Affiliate since: 01/10/2014, Power Rank: 99999999
Hi there

This is an excellent question and though it might seem like a daunting task, most of the work is normally done for you already.

Try guide the affiliates to at least getting to EA2 status (which can be done without any investment from their side). Then also get them to join Wave3 on TripleClicks.

The reason for these two actions is that it turns an online opportunity into something real all of a sudden. Why? Because upon becoming an EA2, they get awarded two

I want to advertise and sell TripleClicks products...but which ones should I choose to promote?

6550 votes

Neville Turner, Aff (South Africa) 8/15/2014 4:38 am

Affiliate since: 01/10/2014, Power Rank: 99999999
Hi there

This depends on your target market. Remember, you are running a business and all businesses have a target market.

The best people to sell to initially are those familiar to you...colleagues, friends, family. More often than not you should know what these people's interests are as well as their budget.

Now search TripleClicks and filter the results according to each person's interest and budget and then share these results with them...either per product or

I keep losing people that were active previously. What do I do?

6474 votes

Neville Turner, Aff (South Africa) 8/15/2014 4:51 am

Affiliate since: 01/10/2014, Power Rank: 99999999
Hi there

First you need to ascertain why they became inactive.

Perhaps they used to manage their SFI from a work PC connected to the internet and they lost their job and do not have constant internet access anymore? Or maybe they didn't reach their EA status again and lost all the CSA's and benefits and gave up? Maybe they're just on holiday and didn't enable their vacation mode.

Contact them directly and ask what the scenario is. Help them with a workaround to the

what are the benefits of Member Listings at TripleClicks and what are your best tips for successful listings?

6387 votes

Neville Turner, Aff (South Africa) 8/20/2014 3:30 am

Affiliate since: 01/10/2014, Power Rank: 99999999
Member listings are much like other online listing services - you get to list your unwanted goods for free. There is much less admin you need to do though than with most others to get your goods listed.

For yourself, these listings is a good way to sell those things you do not want anymore without just throwing them away.

More importantly, you can use this to introduce people to Tripleclicks and SFI to eventually recruit them as affiliates or even ECA's.

For a successful

How can I use Skype and YouTube to promote SFI and TripleClicks?

4030 votes

Neville Turner, Aff (South Africa) 7/9/2014 3:46 am

Affiliate since: 01/10/2014, Power Rank: 99999999
With Skype you can set your profile pic as one of the many SFI and Tripleclicks pics and banner available to you in your Marketing centre. Also create new and catchy taglines for your status and remember to include your gateway links in the status.

As for Youtube - there are so many ways here...create how to videos or videos explaining why you joined SFI or Tripleclicks. Promote physical products using video and also create channels to promote either products or services, linked those