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How can being an SFI affiliate change your life?

8074 votes

Erasmia Savva, Aff (Cyprus) 8/13/2015 4:58 am

Affiliate since: 09/05/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
SFI has definitely changed my life for the better.
SFI relaxes me!
I made the mistake of giving up for 6 months due to heavy work pressure from my day job, and guess what?
I rejoined SFI because it relaxes me, it gets me dedicated, determined and has given me a new drive in my life.
There are monthly goals to be met, and this is a challenge to myself first and then to my team.
SFI has no age limit - meaning that young and old people can work at this business.
It all

How can we reassure our downline to continue their activity with SFI after the recent cyber-attack?

5989 votes

Erasmia Savva, Aff (Cyprus) 3/3/2014 11:11 am

Affiliate since: 09/05/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
Firstly, there are so many affiliates new to the Internet, online Internet and Internet marketing, that I thought I would look up the definition of a cyberattack
- an attempt to damage, disrupt, or gain unauthorized access to a computer, computer system, or electronic communications network, and I have just come across more news relating to other successful companies.
A cyber version of Freddie Krueger has
been on the loose and two top autoreponder
services (aweber/getresponse)

How can I help a PSA become a Team Leader when he or she does not have a credit card?

5849 votes

Erasmia Savva, Aff (Cyprus) 9/25/2014 2:05 pm

Affiliate since: 09/05/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
This is not such a problem.
I would encourage my new affiliates to work fast, especially in their first two months, to gain as much versa points they can and build themselves up.
By going through their SFI Basics
By going through all their Launchpad Lessons
By reviewing their VP Ledger to note where they cn work their way to gain more Versa points
By going through their daily To do List.

When I joined SFI I did not have a credit card. I worked towards my goal of

What should an affiliate do if their sponsor is non-responsive?

5489 votes

Erasmia Savva, Aff (Cyprus) 12/29/2013 12:23 am

Affiliate since: 09/05/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
As a new affiliate, hearing from your sponsor or receiving mail and support is great!
The big picture painted shows that there are people who care and promote SFI.

For all my fellow affiliates who are interested and are eager to learn and proceed, they do have tall the learning and teaching materials at hand, such as
- LAUNCHPAD LESSONS to get started with..

At one stage I was despondent, and needed guidance from my

What are the benefits of using the new AFFILIATE E-Cards...and what are some good ways to use them with my team?

4671 votes

Erasmia Savva, Aff (Cyprus) 2/25/2014 10:18 am

Affiliate since: 09/05/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
Encourage - Good workers, Fast workers, Top Workers
Inactive workers, slow workers. Just a few kind words of encouragement does help in addition to the different pictures of e cards we can use.

Uplift - again, I do send my different e cards to all of the above again, all my active workers and to my inactive workers too.

Motivate. - I can use my e cards and applies once again to all my different workers, fast, slow, active and inactive.


How far should sponsors go to help their affiliates move forward, is there a point you should not go beyond?

4590 votes

Erasmia Savva, Aff (Cyprus) 2/25/2014 9:39 am

Affiliate since: 09/05/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
I would say that as a Sponsor, we should always make time to be available to help our new affiliates get started.
When I receive my new members, I am notified by email of my new members joining my team, even though I am not logged in to my SFI site.
Here starts my work! I send each new affiliate my welcome message, and note down the date and keep notes on affiliates note tab.

An hour or two later, follows my FAST TRACK letter, as I have named it, informing my affiliates how

Why is it important to have a good SFI account photo? And what makes a good photo?

4461 votes

Erasmia Savva, Aff (Cyprus) 2/25/2014 9:54 am

Affiliate since: 09/05/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
It is important to have a good clear photo of your face, because you are promoting your SFI homepage, your business, your name and your SFI ID number.
As you are a representative of a Very Successful Company operating with representatives world wide, I would say that yes, one does require to have a good photo uploaded.
I was recently informed by one of my friends that I look too friendly on my photo, and that I do not look professional.
I have taken my friends word at heart, and will

How often should I communicate with my Sponsor and Co-Sponsor?

4300 votes

Erasmia Savva, Aff (Cyprus) 2/3/2014 12:28 pm

Affiliate since: 09/05/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
My answer would be as much as you need them in the beginning, and then throughout as your start learning and growing.
My experience with my Sponsor is great. As soon as I joined SFI and became a member, I immediately had a welcome email from my Sponsor. I was overwhelmed that somebody took the time to welcome me, so I immediately responded by replying to my Sponsors email.
I was overwhelmed with all the information and became so confused and lost with so much information and wherever I

How do you convince your life partner that investing in your SFI business is prudent?

3931 votes

Erasmia Savva, Aff (Cyprus) 12/30/2013 1:29 pm

Affiliate since: 09/05/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
It could be difficult if your spouse does not understand what you are or have been busy with.
At first, when I joined SFI, it was MY TIME and MY BUSINESS, my time of dedication and learning.
Have patience , work diligently, and the fruits of your labor will bear in season.
Explain to your spouse the benefits of SFI, of having a residual income. You will be receiving an income while being on holiday, or having the ability to be able to work from home.
Most important, explain that

What's the secret for easily qualifying for the rank of Team Leader each month?

3427 votes

Erasmia Savva, Aff (Cyprus) 1/29/2014 1:22 pm

Affiliate since: 09/05/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
My dear friend, I will tell you the top secret of qualifying for the rank of Team Leader each month.
My motivation is the Goals Tab, one of the Red tabs we use every day on our home page, where we get to congratulate the newest E365 Class champ, that shows me that this affiliate stuck it out and worked throughout the year, the newest fast tracker, the newest EA, the newest Bronze Team Leader, the newest Silver Team Leader, the newest Gold Team Leader and the newest Platinum Team Leader.