Branding with a proprietary domain name and having multiple website exposure is good advice for any business. As an SFI member, having your Own Website is a Business Expansion. It’s not necessary, but it IS BENEFICIAL.
Think of your business a piece of real estate. With multiple locations (websites), you create additional opportunities for your potential customers to complete sales transactions. Plus - if you “Own” it – you control it.
Here are some creative benefits:
Using the marketing materials SFI has readily available in conjunction with your own “Persuasive Flair” personalizes the pre-buying experience for your customers.
On your own website you can Pre-Sell the splash page. (the sign-up pages/gateways)
The sales pitch is basic:
“Here’s what it is…..”
“Here’s what it will do for you….”
“Here’s what I want you to do next…” (hence, sign-up from a gateway page!)
You can add your personal experiences, tips, testimonials, additional graphics, “how-to” videos, screen shots, etc. on your “pre-selling” pages of your website, to engage your potential customers and build customer confidence.
Here are some basic business building benefits:
Building a Leads List! A leads list attached to an auto-responder gives you an audience that has opted-in to receive communications from you. The added benefit here, is that you can monetize your list in the simplest way. For instance, if you use an auto-responder service that offers commissions for referrals – you can use that income to Finance your Advertising Budget for New SFI Affiliates! (The possibilities of indirect income increases 100%)
You can give away a FREE OFFER prior to purchase to increase your credibility and encourage potential customers to Want To Be On Your Team! Examples might be: “Sign up today for a Free Report on the 10 Biggest Tips to Success…” - the end result is still to get the SFI sign-up! But you are adding value.
Promote your business directly, SFI indirectly – with All of the Products you have to offer – showing the benefits of All of the SFI products in one place --- and You as an Expert!
Example: “Go to to learn about 5 Money making businesses without any start up cost” – Then elaborate on the 5 ways to make an income at SFI.
Reduce overall advertising cost. Advertise “Your One Stop Resource for multiple Income Opportunities”.
Here’s how you can get started FREE
Use the free website services. (google free website) There are many companies that you can get a free website. You won’t have as much flexibility But your “Real Estate” is free.
Use Social Media Sites. (you should be doing this already). Facebook pages, LinkedIn, Google Plus, WordPress blogs, etc. You can build a profile and add links to any of these sites for free. There are thousands of places like this on the internet.
Here’s how to Buy a Website. YOU WILL NEED TO SHOP AROUND!
You will first need to choose a website Name and register it. It’s referred to as “register a domain name” That is how you secure Your personal website name.
You will then need to purchase a service to Host Your website. You will see multiple price ranges for this…from $5/a month and much much higher.
You will then need to have software and a platform to Build the site.
There is no perfect formula for this. Every company has different packages & PRICES so you need to research before you choose & buy! I can’t stress this enough!
**SFI OFFERS WEBSITES that have these details already done for you.
For your Quickest Option…you could select their product and be up and running Fast!
It is obvious that with your own website, you expand your business’ presence on a limitless level and distinguish yourself. You should determine your objectives, consider your budget, preplan your content, get the mechanics in place, & commit to the sites maintenance. You don’t want to spend a bunch of money & be unsatisfied with your investment of time and money because you neglected to research and plan. And – you want to use the site as a companion to the SFI site referring to the SFI content – which is amazingly thorough!
Using my “Pitch” format from above, make solid goals for your website:
“Here’s what I want my website to be…”
“Here’s what I want it to do for me…”
“Here’s what I need to do next…”
Best of success to you and your team member. The fact that they are seeking business expansion is a great indicator that they have long term goals and are a forward thinker!
Here is the link to the Internet Course listed in the sitemap of SFI – Yes another Free Benefit on This Website ?