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How can I further engage my SFI affiliates on social media sites like Facebook?

6335 votes

Juliet Best-Brathwaite, Aff (Barbados) 9/14/2013 7:23 am

Affiliate since: 04/19/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
A good social media page, such as a Facebook page is interesting if it is interactive and informative.
Colleagues will be drawn to your site if they perceive some value in the experience. Regular activities like information sharing and recognition would pique their interest, but contests and incentives that can promote them among their peers would initiate healthy competition that should work to the benefit of the team.
A page is of no value if team members are unaware of its existence

How much is too much when contacting your team or downline?

5362 votes

Juliet Best-Brathwaite, Aff (Barbados) 6/14/2013 6:11 am

Affiliate since: 04/19/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
A very good question and I am sure it is one each of us has grappled with. For me as a recipient even one inane, insincere, pointless message is one too many. So my rule of thumb is " if I wouldn't want to receive it, I don't send it."
When sending messages one must be considerate of the sender. Of his/her time and needs if known. Thus messages should be concise, relevant and focused. Responses should be en pointe and timely. Group messages should be such that each member of the

If I set up a co-op, how do I get my downline to participate in it?

5280 votes

Juliet Best-Brathwaite, Aff (Barbados) 6/22/2013 4:50 am

Affiliate since: 04/19/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
Very good question Lorrie and one that I have been grappling with myself. I recently set up a co-op for my team and I have been trying to get them to participate.

I have found a few very useful tools:

1. Educate. Tell them about the value that participating in the co-op can bring to them. Both actual value for money invested and comparative value of potential returns to time. Many of us do not have the time nor access to go out and recruit affiliates and the co-op is a great

What kinds of investments should a new affiliate plan on making to succeed in SFI?

5204 votes

Juliet Best-Brathwaite, Aff (Barbados) 6/22/2013 5:27 am

Affiliate since: 04/19/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
What we get out is a function of what we put in. Therefore in determining what investment is to be made, the affiliate must know what his/her personal goal is in becoming a team member of SFI.

The best investment for a new affiliate is the investment of time. Time is flexible, convenient, available to everyone and does not need to be supported by cash.

The new affiliate should invest time -
In education: Learning about the business, about marketing techniques, about business

How do you explain to new affiliates what VersaPoints are and what they are used for?

5091 votes

Juliet Best-Brathwaite, Aff (Barbados) 10/9/2013 9:28 pm

Affiliate since: 04/19/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
VersaPoints (VP) are the blood of SFI. Other than direct sales margins and/or commissions, your VP determine your earnings in SFI. Every action has an associated number of VP and your VP determines your status in SFI. Your minimum target each month is 1500 VP. This makes you an Executive Affiliate (EA) and gives you a share in SFI's earnings for the month.
Your month's VP total determines your designation while your total accumulated VP determines your "Power rank" among all other

When I am fully self-employed with SFI, and someone asks what I do for a living, what do I tell them?

4225 votes

Juliet Best-Brathwaite, Aff (Barbados) 2/1/2014 4:57 am

Affiliate since: 04/19/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
Being fully self-employed with SFI and making a comfortable income is your BEST marketing tool.

Many people are skeptical about affiliate marketing programs, seeing them as scam schemes where all the benefits go to the top and everyone else is exploited. If you can show people by your testimony of success with SFI, that it is a legitimate program with equal chances of success for everyone who is prepared to work for it, then half your work in acquiring prospects is done.


How do you use SFIM (SFI Instant Messaging) to communicate with your team...and what are your best tips for this?

2732 votes

Juliet Best-Brathwaite, Aff (Barbados) 5/24/2013 8:26 am

Affiliate since: 04/19/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
The SFI instant messenger can be a very effective tool for building rapport with affiliates particularly those that have not been directly recruited by you or with whom you have no other direct means of contact. It can be used to get to know these affiliates, to answer their questions or share ideas and to provide other guidance and encouragement.
When you receive a response in an instant message setting you are sure that your message has been received and can clarify any misunderstandings

Why is setting goals so important in becoming successful in SFI?

2688 votes

Juliet Best-Brathwaite, Aff (Barbados) 7/2/2013 4:53 am

Affiliate since: 04/19/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
A popular statement says "If you do not know where you are going any road will take you there". That suggests you can take any route in your quest to "nowhere" because it does not matter.

In SFI and in any venture where you are serious, you must have a goal. The goal can change over time, be replaced or enlarged but it must be present. It should be challenging but achievable and if it is a large goal, it should be capable of being broken down so that progress can be