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What is a good letter that I can send to potential affiliates who desire to know more about SFI?

5771 votes

Jordan Wirtz, Aff (---, CA) 8/25/2013 8:33 pm

Affiliate since: 04/10/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
I believe a good letter will focus on key areas of SFI that anyone could get excited about:

1. A wide selection of great priced items at TC to buy, bid, and sell.

2. A very communicative and supportive group of people looking to help others have success in their SFI business.

3. Easy step-by-step instructions and programs for near guaranteed success.

4. A company to be proud of, not shady or a get-rich-quick scheme.

Hope this helps!

How do you respond when someone asks you about SFI?

5149 votes

Jordan Wirtz, Aff (---, CA) 8/25/2013 8:39 pm

Affiliate since: 04/10/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
I focus my attention on Triple Clicks and the value it adds to buying and selling products. Once people can see the value in that, they will get even more excited to learn that they can make money and even a stable income by engaging in the system SFI has set up. What is even more exciting is how easy it is to do and how supportive the people are. You can build real connections and have a solid support system helping you have success. I can honestly say I don't know a single person who would not

How can I convince my downline of the benefits of having a Standing Order without them feeling pressured?

5120 votes

Jordan Wirtz, Aff (---, CA) 9/26/2013 11:23 pm

Affiliate since: 04/10/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
The best way to show your downline the value of a standing order is to be realistic about what they get. Ex. An SO for S-builder will provide a constant stream of potentially amazing team mates that will boost their potential without them having to go out and recruit. An SO for T Credits will be more cost effective in the long run and provide opportunities to not only earn more VP, but also buy, sell, and bid on products. I really believe if you can't help your downline see the value in the Triple

How can you offer financial support to a hard-working PSA/CSA who is truly financially challenged?

4877 votes

Jordan Wirtz, Aff (---, CA) 9/26/2013 11:10 pm

Affiliate since: 04/10/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
I would say the best way to support your PSA/CSA is to create contests where they earn Gift Cards, T Credits, or Affiliates. If they are truly working hard to be successful at SFI, there is no harm in rewarding those efforts. However, if you simply want to give support to someone to further your own position, you will find yourself being drained of resources by downline members who are not going to be successful at SFI on their own. If they are providing value to your business endeavor with their

Should we recruit our family members into SFI? Good idea or not?

4831 votes

Jordan Wirtz, Aff (---, CA) 9/26/2013 11:14 pm

Affiliate since: 04/10/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
Yes! If you are excited about the great opportunity SFI offers and you can clearly, honestly, and realistically explain how the business works, your family should not only support your endeavor, but jump in as well. If you focus on the value of buying and selling products at Triple Clicks, building a powerful team for further financial gain, the easy step-by-step instructions, and the constant support from team members, anyone in your life should be interested in connecting with SFI. If you are not

How does one support all your downline affiliates if you have barely enough to support your own self?

4813 votes

Jordan Wirtz, Aff (---, CA) 9/26/2013 11:29 pm

Affiliate since: 04/10/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
Support comes from encouraging, guiding, and providing advice. If your downline needs more than that, you can't be expected to buy their success at SFI. Success here comes from hard work, dedication, team building, training, and duplication. I also feel that if you are not a consumer of SFI/Triple Clicks products, it is hard to convince others to buy in. You should focus on bringing in members that are interested in becoming consumers of products. You can be successful without spending money yourself,

How much information do you send your CSA's, or do you let their sponsor take care of them so they are not overwhelmed?

4623 votes

Jordan Wirtz, Aff (---, CA) 5/20/2013 12:50 pm

Affiliate since: 04/10/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
I think of sponsorship the same way as any other business would. If I was a Nascar driver, I would need a ton of companies investing in my success and supporting me along the way. The same should go for any member of SFI you are connected to, whether PSA, CSA, upline, or a2a. We should be in this business together and available and willing to support each other.

As a sponsor, regardless of our connection to the member, we should be willing to provide support, assistance, guidance, and

What long-term goal(s) should an affiliate be setting for themselves?

4476 votes

Jordan Wirtz, Aff (---, CA) 6/30/2014 12:31 am

Affiliate since: 04/10/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
Your long term goal should look at DUPLICATION first and foremost.

You should also be making short-term goals that snowball into larger long-term goals. Ex. Your first major step will be to bring in 5 committed PSAs and teach them how to be successful at SFI and pass that knowledge to their 5 committed PSAs. This is the heart of duplication. Your short term goal could be to get 10 PSAs a month or 1 committed PSA a month. The mid-term goal may be to get your 5 committed PSAs in the first

How do you handle being rejected over and over again when presenting the SFI opportunity to others?

3196 votes

Jordan Wirtz, Aff (---, CA) 10/1/2013 10:23 pm

Affiliate since: 04/10/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
The goal of any team leader should be to build a strong team. The best way to do that is to filter through a large amount of rejects before you find the perfect team mate. It is better to have someone reject you right away than string you along without passion or care for the SFI business. If you are presenting this opportunity in the best possible way, the best affiliates will follow soon enough. You only need a handful of amazing team mates to be successful in the long run, but you will go through

Why do some affiliates find success with SFI in just weeks, while for others it takes months or years?

3059 votes

Jordan Wirtz, Aff (---, CA) 10/1/2013 10:28 pm

Affiliate since: 04/10/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
Success comes from time, investment, technique, experience, and a little luck. Those who give this opportunity everything they have will be successful right away. If they can get people to buy their products or sell them through Triple Clicks, success will be sure. If they can get people on board who are also driven to give SFI everything they have, success will be sure. If they follow all the steps and daily immerse themselves in the SFI program, success will be sure. This will all take time to