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What is the best way to learn (after SFI training) about advertising using the internet when you are a complete novice?

5535 votes

Thabet Slimani, Aff (Saudi Arabia) 3/10/2013 11:07 pm

Affiliate since: 11/22/2012, Power Rank: 99999999
SFI provides a sufficient reading about advertising using internet. If you would like to know additional source about advertising you can take a look to the following links:

Do searches on Google for the words "JV Upgrade" , "Super JV Upgrade" ," Affordable online advertising" , "Weekly promo code", "jvuupgrade", "freejv" "Free Super JV"

I think the TripleClicks TCards are a great marketing tool. To whom would you give the cards to and why?

4865 votes

Thabet Slimani, Aff (Saudi Arabia) 3/1/2013 12:36 am

Affiliate since: 11/22/2012, Power Rank: 99999999
Good question
you can give the TripleClicks Gift Cards to such a person that have interest to buy products or services from internet. i.e each person interested with internet marketing.
I personally will be freely handing out these cards to friends and family and people I meet at every opportunity because I know I'm giving them something of true value and with no obligation. And I can think of no better or easier way to introduce them to TripleClicks

What was the best advice you ever got from your upline and how has it helped you?

4825 votes

Thabet Slimani, Aff (Saudi Arabia) 3/7/2013 6:53 am

Affiliate since: 11/22/2012, Power Rank: 99999999
Good question:
I have received several advice's from my sponsor, but the best advice's are those that tell me the following thing:
- To succeed in your business, do you not be concerned only by Verspoints earning, but you have to build your downline by new affiliates that you must recruit.
- You need to advertise your gateway
- Become an Executive affiliate, this month and I buy to you 5 Affiliates from co-op
- Help 5 of your Personal Sponsored Affiliates to qualify to

In one sentence, how do you respond when someone asks you about the business you are involved in?

4311 votes

Thabet Slimani, Aff (Saudi Arabia) 3/1/2013 1:10 am

Affiliate since: 11/22/2012, Power Rank: 99999999
As an answer:
I am involved in automatic and effective way of making money online and It absolutely free. All I need is to participate is sign up for this 100% free affiliate program called SFI. SFI is top-rated online business backed by the Better Business Bureau that empowers regular people to earn money from home using only their Internet connection. It is a legitimate business with over 10 years of history and thousands of success stories.

Which countries do you get the most success with your advertising from and why?

301 votes

Thabet Slimani, Aff (Saudi Arabia) 2/19/2013 1:28 pm

Affiliate since: 11/22/2012, Power Rank: 99999999
Advertising in the country when you stay is the most suitable choice. You get a good number of enrollments from the country when you live because you have information about the required web sites and you know your friends and colleagues which help you in adversing.

How does sponsoring many affiliates help me?

6 votes

Thabet Slimani, Aff (Saudi Arabia) 2/18/2013 10:12 pm

Affiliate since: 11/22/2012, Power Rank: 99999999
A sponsor with huge number of affiliates is winner, because a success Sponsoring in SFI and all internet marketing systems is to have several affiliates in your downline, and it is recognized that not all affiliates are active, for that reason to obtain 5 active PSA you should have in your downline at least 200 affiliates. the active affiliates help you:

- promote and expand your SFI business
- advertize your business
- Increase your monthly revenue
- to stay on top

What Website-builder software/service would you recommend for building a personal SFI Website?

6 votes

Thabet Slimani, Aff (Saudi Arabia) 2/19/2013 10:35 pm

Affiliate since: 11/22/2012, Power Rank: 99999999
Good question
There exist several tools to create web site and many of them are totally free. Among those tools, I propose, it is completely free and offers several features, among them we present:

-totally free
-Use SiteWalk to edit your web pages on the fly
-Use FTP to manage your website
- Make any type of content secure
- Share and syndicate any type of content using RSS
- Build communities using forums, blogs and collect customer comments

Why are badges so important?

5 votes

Thabet Slimani, Aff (Saudi Arabia) 2/18/2013 12:42 pm

Affiliate since: 11/22/2012, Power Rank: 99999999
The badges are important because it is a measure of the work offered by an SFI member. As a recognition of hard work, SFI attributes badges to indicate that this member is valuable and hard worker. Badges give some motivations for a self member and for the downline of that member and give him the intention that they work with a strong leader. As conclusion, the badge is a certificate of recognition for the work achieved by an SFI member. Each person should be happy to receive recognition of the

Why does it seem like everyone who joins SFI think it's get-rich-quick?

5 votes

Thabet Slimani, Aff (Saudi Arabia) 2/21/2013 11:55 am

Affiliate since: 11/22/2012, Power Rank: 99999999
good question.
A human by nature have a trend to be wealthy and rich, for this reason everyone in SFI think to get rich quickly.

What is your best way to motivate your downline?

3 votes

Thabet Slimani, Aff (Saudi Arabia) 2/17/2013 6:50 am

Affiliate since: 11/22/2012, Power Rank: 99999999
I think that the best method to motivate your downline is to:
1)make a real promises to your downline:
for example inform your downline this info:
-"Become an Executive Affiliate within the end of this month and I will buy for you 5 new Affiliates from Co-op".
- "Become an IAHBE member and I will give you 20 Tcredits at the end of this month"
- etc...
2) Inform your downline that the Business provided by SFI is the best for all REAl internet marketing