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What's the best way to build a profitable SFI business using S-Builder Co-op?

10828 votes

John Hossack, Aff (South Africa) 10/16/2014 2:38 am

Affiliate since: 08/21/2011, Power Rank: 99999999
S-builder is best used when you get others in your team to help pay for it!
Meaning they get some out of this for only a fraction of the cost!
You can ask them to join you thus sharing the cost, and you all get back from it.
They can also open their own for you join there by doubling the amount brought in?
It's also a good way to team members involved to help others gain by putting them
On their list of portions paid in?

How often and in what ways should we have contacts with our CSAs?

7950 votes

John Hossack, Aff (South Africa) 7/23/2015 4:42 am

Affiliate since: 08/21/2011, Power Rank: 99999999
Yes keep in touch with CSAs they need just as much help as PSAs they are part of your team
no matter if you don’t get the same from them as PSAs they still need you to encourage them
to do well some sponsors don’t bother with them that’s why they need you!
I speak from knowing this from my own CSAs telling me this!
They can also be a big help to you because they are on your team, and can help you out with
some great things they know or do on the web such as running

I'm told to lead by example in SFI...but how can I demonstrate this to my PSAs and CSAs?

7866 votes

John Hossack, Aff (South Africa) 8/19/2015 3:01 am

Affiliate since: 08/21/2011, Power Rank: 99999999
Hello Erica,

Simple, tell them to look at your badges this will show them that you are serious about SFI , and the business you are running here!
Try to encourage to equal you, or do better, tell them they “can” do it, and egg them on to do so!
I never put any of them in a situation that will force them to get in dept.while doing this!
Explain the basics over, and over so they under stand what they need to accomplish in SFI.
You can’t do more than this

Should a person go for the rank of Team Leader if they don't yet have a team?

6314 votes

John Hossack, Aff (South Africa) 7/3/2015 2:27 am

Affiliate since: 08/21/2011, Power Rank: 99999999
Yes do become a team leader! Why not! You get CSAs every month for being there!
I used to think CSAs where not worth having till I found they were part of my team
no matter what, and needed help just like any one in the team!
You don’t get the same rewards from them doing well but they can make your day
just by being on your mover page with big VP they have achieved each month!

What's the best way to attract traffic to my Member TConnect page?

5901 votes

John Hossack, Aff (South Africa) 8/10/2014 4:21 am

Affiliate since: 08/21/2011, Power Rank: 99999999

You have to have products for sale to get people interested! Other wise what is the good of having a TC connect page!

I find so many asking this question without the knowledge of having anything in the store to buy!
So learn about how, look for stuff to sell!

That's why SFI & Triple clicks provide us with the ways to do this! Search through the tabs they give you to find the answers!

Why should I invest in SFI?

5173 votes

John Hossack, Aff (South Africa) 12/20/2014 2:22 am

Affiliate since: 08/21/2011, Power Rank: 99999999
To be in business you have to spend time money in it or it won't work!
So think of the best ways you can to invest in SFI or Triple Clicks open a store it's free
That way you are investing already not money but time?
Keep investing in your team by giving them some thing to work for that way you all make from
Doing the work in SFI every VP counts just think about them as $$$ coming in each month?
Make a contest for them to get some thing back from the work they do!

Is it good for affiliates to have their own ECA store at TripleClicks?

4833 votes

John Hossack, Aff (South Africa) 1/16/2015 1:46 am

Affiliate since: 08/21/2011, Power Rank: 99999999


How can you confirm that your team members are receiving your emails and other messages?

4251 votes

John Hossack, Aff (South Africa) 10/4/2014 2:48 am

Affiliate since: 08/21/2011, Power Rank: 99999999
Hello Jan,

It's easy, you get mail from your up line! They send you up dates, to make sure you are doing well, and they want you to succeed like them?
Plus you know doubt talk your own team members thus boosting in what ever way you can
to do well here at SFI & in Triple clicks that's how you know they are getting mail you send out!

You also get mail via SFI for other query's you ask so don't worry they are getting your mail
but some Maybe blocking mail

How can I motivate and inspire my team using my SFI Leadership Page?

4142 votes

John Hossack, Aff (South Africa) 5/2/2015 2:52 am

Affiliate since: 08/21/2011, Power Rank: 99999999
Hello Izabella,

You can do a lot using this as a means to tell about new links to go too
For new things you have found for them to learn, brush up on, or new ways
to advertise or just keep them in the loop of things.
Add to their training, and so on.

Also use the means to keep them up to date the TM on the movers page!
But use the E Mail because one can put so much more into them as well as
Being more personal, plus most times in E Mails the links are

How much time a day, approximately, do I need to invest in SFI to build a profitable business?

3788 votes

John Hossack, Aff (South Africa) 11/8/2014 3:05 am

Affiliate since: 08/21/2011, Power Rank: 99999999
SFI & Triple clicks are like any other business you get out what you put in!
But remember not to over invest or you will find that it takes to long to get
Back what you have put in? So work out what kind investment you make
To invest in a program this this one really can't go wrong!

So use the info found on the black tabs to help you improve what want to invest in plus tell your team to help also make this kind of investment plus you can open a co-op to get more PSAs,