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I want to start a newsletter for my team of affiliates. Which topics should I focus on?

6040 votes

Jason Eaves, Aff (Texas, US) 11/22/2013 7:06 pm

Affiliate since: 08/16/2022, Power Rank: 99999999
1. Launchpad
2. S-Builder
3. Attaining and maintaining EA
4. Daily VP
5. Promoting SFI
6. Promoting ECA
7. Promoting TripleClicks products
8. Duplication

These things are some key things to make newsletter topics out of when approaching your team with fresh information. Sharing your stratagies and what works for you will help them get a better idea on what to do to meet their goals in growing their business. Some will and some will not take these news

What are the things that most make you proud to be an SFI affiliate?

5943 votes

Jason Eaves, Aff (Texas, US) 11/22/2013 7:17 pm

Affiliate since: 08/16/2022, Power Rank: 99999999
To be an SFI affiliate means that I am taking control of my life. I don't feel that my arms are being twisted to do anything. There are people that have been doing SFI for years and are still doing it, and with success. I'm proud to be an affiliate because I am my own boss.

I can be a team leader if I choose. I can go to the forum and get any question that I can think of out of my head and submitted for some realy great and helpful answers.
The forum is now my home and part of my

What's best to sell at TripleClicks? Cheap things or more expensive/more valuable items?

5562 votes

Jason Eaves, Aff (Texas, US) 11/22/2013 7:35 pm

Affiliate since: 08/16/2022, Power Rank: 99999999
TripleClicks has a lot of products indeed, but the answer to your question is complicated enough. It really depends on who or what business you are aproaching with, and what products.

For example: You wouldn't walk up to a homless man and ask him if he'd like to buy a shiny expensive watch.

We all want sells and are trying to find what works best in getting them, but at the same time we have to evaluate what we are going to sell, the price of what we are selling and to who we

What are the best types of businesses to focus on to maximize ECA recruitment?

4595 votes

Jason Eaves, Aff (Texas, US) 11/22/2013 10:28 pm

Affiliate since: 08/16/2022, Power Rank: 99999999
That is a really good question. I would have to say that the best businesses to do this with would be like people who run a lot of garage sales. Maybe try going to some pawn shops and trying it. You never know.

You can optionally go to big businesses and present the ECA program. You never know what will happen. They might like the whole ECA site and set up. Take every available means possible no matter how far fetched it might seem.

Pretend it is like your are fishing and

What are some of the ways I can use my IAHBE membership to grow my SFI business?

4501 votes

Jason Eaves, Aff (Texas, US) 11/22/2013 10:09 pm

Affiliate since: 08/16/2022, Power Rank: 99999999

To tell the truth I only use IAHBE to keep my VP up every month. It is the easiest thing to do. I'm sure you get into it and find some really great ideas and inavative ways to grow your SFI business.

SFI already has a ton of proven ways to grow your business. All you have to do is check it out and read up on what things you can do. You can find a long list of thes different ways when you go to you affiliate center and click on the small tab that says (Marketing).


What do you tell prospects who say they aren't interested in SFI because they don't know very many people?

3721 votes

Jason Eaves, Aff (Texas, US) 10/26/2013 9:28 pm

Affiliate since: 08/16/2022, Power Rank: 99999999
You tell them they don't have to know very many people. That isn't an issue because people that are actually looking for a real opportunity or business of their own will be happy to take your business card or really take a look at your recruiting site. If they say they aren't interested, ask them to take your card or view your site later if they change their mind. There are millions of people looking for a better and more exciting way to support them and their families. I understand if you really

How can I find affiliates who are truly interested in SFI and who will remain active?

3699 votes

Jason Eaves, Aff (Texas, US) 10/26/2013 8:52 pm

Affiliate since: 08/16/2022, Power Rank: 99999999
Hi! I'm sorry to say, but there is never a sure fine way to know if any of our affiliates will stay active or not, but never lose faith in the hopes that they will return and catch on fire. SFI is still rolling around in their brain somewhere and one day it might just hit them. The ones that you really want to go for are the people closest to you, the ones that you can see and actually sit with them and train them to do what you do and show them the great compensations that SFI offers. This might

How would it benefit me to transfer TCredits to my PSAs or CSAs?

3566 votes

Jason Eaves, Aff (Texas, US) 10/26/2013 8:31 pm

Affiliate since: 08/16/2022, Power Rank: 99999999
It would benefit you by showing your PSAs or CSAs that you really mean business when it comes down to it. Your not just sitting back and keeping an eye on them and hoping they get up and take action. It shows that YOU are taking action, not only that you are the're sponsor taking action. That changes the perspective and perception that your downline thinks about you as their sponsor. Seeing that you really want to have something to do with them and they are not just a paycheck. Be seen, speak up,

Which is more effective--paid or free advertising--and why?

3466 votes

Jason Eaves, Aff (Texas, US) 10/26/2013 9:07 pm

Affiliate since: 08/16/2022, Power Rank: 99999999
The concept of paid or free advertising really doesn't need to be compared. If both advertising's bring you new affiliates or if sales is the case, then that means the only differents is that your paying for one. Where we advertise also has a big impact on our business, only because you wouldn't put a brand new store in the middle of the desert and expect a single person to come in, or for that fact purchase a product. For example: Look at Walmart, they center their stores in strategic locations,

How do you explain the importance of MRP (Member Reward Points) to your PSAs?

3431 votes

Jason Eaves, Aff (Texas, US) 10/26/2013 8:38 pm

Affiliate since: 08/16/2022, Power Rank: 99999999
Just let them know what MRP stands for if they don't already know. Give them the website that shows them where they can spend their MRP on different products. Even though it takes a lot of them for the items, they are worth saving if there is something there they really want. MRP can be very important and might just come in handy at the most convenient time. So yes they are important and we need as many as we can get. Have a great month!