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I have set up an auto responder. How can I determine if my auto responder is working?

4938 votes

Anup Kumar Nag, Aff (India) 6/7/2014 1:35 pm

Affiliate since: 01/06/2012, Power Rank: 312
Auto responder is a computer generated system. It will work as per your data feed. As you feed the data properly it will work properly to reach you in destination

If you want to use it for advertisement purpose of your SFI business just put a Key-Code to ensure the working of your auto responder. You can easily tracking the hit from Power Tools tab in your SFI home page

If you utilize it for contact purpose with your down line members you wouldn’t determined that your auto

If you're new in SFI and new to marketing, etc., how can you help a new PSA who needs guidance?

4910 votes

Anup Kumar Nag, Aff (India) 10/5/2014 10:44 am

Affiliate since: 01/06/2012, Power Rank: 312
If you are new and getting started in SFI you can manage it if you are serious in nature, in your work and having a sound confidence. You can help a new PSA who needs guidance regarding SFI, TC marketing etc. in the following way

As a new affiliate first you need to read and study thoroughly the training matters, SFI news, Launch pad, SFI Basics. Save it in your memory as soon as you can after your joining in SFI

Though it is not possible to study SFI training library in a shortest

What do successful Leaders in SFI know and do?

4876 votes

Anup Kumar Nag, Aff (India) 11/16/2013 10:15 am

Affiliate since: 01/06/2012, Power Rank: 312
Successful Leaders should know and do in SFI as below


Successful leaders knows that they should be an own decision maker and mind setter to grow their business and achieve success in SFI. They know it very well that SFI provides them plenty of free opportunities, benefits to grow their business in SFI and they have to utilize it perfectly to confirm a handsome monthly income from SFI.


1) To set a perfect goal as much as possible


What are the best products to buy at TripleClicks if my objective is to build my SFI business?

4762 votes

Anup Kumar Nag, Aff (India) 8/18/2015 10:38 am

Affiliate since: 01/06/2012, Power Rank: 312
There are a wide range of variety products available in TripleClicks. But if your objective is really to build your SFI business successfully – the best and most effective product/s to buy in TripleClicks are as follows according to my preference

1) T-Credits – buy any quantity of T-Credit pack and spend it to participate in Eager Zebra Games to get MRP and valuable AVP upto 500 which will help to increase your rank in each month in one hand and you can win multi Zackpot in any moment

What are the benefits of using the new AFFILIATE E-Cards...and what are some good ways to use them with my team?

4729 votes

Anup Kumar Nag, Aff (India) 2/22/2014 7:52 am

Affiliate since: 01/06/2012, Power Rank: 312
E-cards for affiliates - a great invention of SFI. It is also a power of attraction, motivation, inspiration and involvement to the affiliates

Affiliates will become charged with feelings to receive an E-card from their Team Leader/Upline Leaders and it is also grow their interest to involve with SFI as much as they can

Some good ways to use them for your team

1) New affiliate – send Welcome E-card

2) If they win daily grand, auction, any contest, advance

What should SFI affiliates do every day to build their SFI business?

4672 votes

Anup Kumar Nag, Aff (India) 6/21/2013 11:22 am

Affiliate since: 01/06/2012, Power Rank: 312
After read and completion of SFI BASICS, LAUNCHPAD respectively SFI Affiliates should do the following tasks daily.

Log into you SFI Homepage. Click To-Do-List click Latest Items at Tripleclicks. Check the products, choose and click share it button. Share the product in facebook, twitter, pinterest and Email Address of your friends, relatives, acquaintances etc. If somebody purchases anything from your shared URL you will get a commission and your sales activity automatically

Which TEXT ADS have worked the best for you to attract PSAs?

4639 votes

Anup Kumar Nag, Aff (India) 5/24/2014 4:47 am

Affiliate since: 01/06/2012, Power Rank: 312
It is variable as per site to site. I am giving some examples of text Ads which are very effective and best to me. It is not only worked but also working to attract PSA


Are you anxious with your Present, Second & Future income? Do you believe that there is no magic to become overnight wealthy in Internet World? If so, start your own Online Business from Home with SFI - It’s a Real Internet Marketing Business since 1998 with millions of members

How far should sponsors go to help their affiliates move forward, is there a point you should not go beyond?

4629 votes

Anup Kumar Nag, Aff (India) 2/22/2014 10:46 am

Affiliate since: 01/06/2012, Power Rank: 312
According to my opinion there shouldn’t be any limitation to the Sponsors/Team Leaders to help their affiliates move forward and to grow their business successfully without some exception

Sponsors/Team Leaders should do

1) Send Welcome Letter to new affiliates with a short description of SFI including a Welcome E-card

2) Send next mail with a brief description of SFI and TripleClicks, E-365 and other necessary action to be taken daily, weekly, monthly, intermediate


Is it worthwhile to send individual welcome letters to new PSAs...or can I just send out group mailings?

4625 votes

Anup Kumar Nag, Aff (India) 5/24/2014 4:45 am

Affiliate since: 01/06/2012, Power Rank: 312
Welcome letter and Group Mailing – both are different and having separate characteristic

A welcome letter proves your appearance, identity, trustworthy that you are a human being not a robot, fake or spam to the new comers those who are coming to join SFI on your invitation and through your gateway link

So you should send a Welcome letter immediately after getting notification from SFI to your new PSA/CSAs without delay to introduce yourself , explain a short description of

What is the best way to explain either to a prospect or a new affiliate the relationship between SFI and Tripleclicks or Pricebenders?

4624 votes

Anup Kumar Nag, Aff (India) 2/22/2014 2:31 am

Affiliate since: 01/06/2012, Power Rank: 312

T-Credit is the currency of Tripleclicks. You can use the T-Credits for the following purposes

1) To participate in Pricebenders Auction of Tripleclicks to win a Brand New Product in a very surprising prices than Retail which you never imagine.

2) List your unwanted/unused products to TripleClicks to get Cash

3) Buy any products from TripleClicks

4) Download music/songs of TripleClicks music contest

It is easily