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Among the popular Standing Order items (IAHBE, S-Builder, TCredits), which is best and why?

4186 votes

BABU MENON, Aff (India) 2/14/2014 4:29 am

Affiliate since: 09/06/2011, Power Rank: 3
In my opinion, all the above are good but it should be chosen accordingly from person to person and also as per the requirement.

For a beginner in SFI, I would strongly recommend IAHBE to learn and get all the study materials and expertise about business and also the much needed exposure to marketing. If a person gets enough knowledge and ideas about the SFI, I would recommend them to have their own team in SFI by enrolling more and more persons in to their team , if the concerned

How do I put together a successful marketing campaign?

4165 votes

BABU MENON, Aff (India) 2/14/2014 12:18 pm

Affiliate since: 09/06/2011, Power Rank: 3

There are various aspects involved in successful marketing campaign and the same are needed even for the promotion of SFI and TripleClicks related Marketing.

The basic question is how do you achieve these outcomes with your campaign? The process is easy ,but it takes Time and proper Planning. Giving below the steps that will get such a campaign off towards the right start.

1) Assessment of Marketing Communication Opportunities.
2) Communication Mediums

I have experience with in-person presentations, direct mail, trade shows, handing out biz cards, network at events, etc. Can offline marketing be as effective for my SFI business as online marketing?

4126 votes

BABU MENON, Aff (India) 2/14/2014 4:30 am

Affiliate since: 09/06/2011, Power Rank: 3
Yes, of course. Since you are already well acclimatized with various offline marketing methods, then I don’t think you will have to face many problems when you venture out to do online marketing.

Only requirement for the online marketing is the time and the skill to present a strategy. If you can culminate it together and make a progress in this regard, why not, you will be one of the best in Marketing scenario.

As you said, in-person presentation will make a person

What are the benefits of organizing a contest for your downline?

4118 votes

BABU MENON, Aff (India) 2/14/2014 4:28 am

Affiliate since: 09/06/2011, Power Rank: 3
In every sphere of life, contest is necessary to make a person competent to meet any challenges.

I have formulated a great strategy for my downline members and I provide my active workers, once they reach the status of EA2 or more, always reassign PSAs for them to sponsor. By doing so, I get great response from them and also it works as a booster and encouragement for them to perform to their fullest.

My contest is not a time bound one but on permanent basis. Hence,

If you had an extra $100, what would be the best way, specifically, to use it to maximize and help grow your SFI business?

4084 votes

BABU MENON, Aff (India) 2/14/2014 4:27 am

Affiliate since: 09/06/2011, Power Rank: 3
If you ask me, $100 is a much bigger amount for me and I always think of developing my SFI Business with the bare minimum amount.

However, with $100, I will try to buy Gift Certificate and will distribute the same among the needy and actual workers in my team for them to grow in the system. If they can grow with even a small amount, then ultimately it is my success and together we make our beloved system, SFI , the most successful.

Even with a part of that kind of money,

How much time a day, approximately, do I need to invest in SFI to build a profitable business?

4065 votes

BABU MENON, Aff (India) 11/7/2014 9:22 am

Affiliate since: 09/06/2011, Power Rank: 3
Dear Friend,

SFI itself says that the income you can generate from the system is unlimited and beyond your own imaginations.

From the beginning, I use to spend at least a couple of hours a day in the system to participate in various activities in the system and also to create an active team under my belt. Gradually, my team size has been increased and now I spend at least 4-5 hours a day to make my team more successful and thus generating a good and handsome income.


What are the benefits of Pricebenders auctions that I can promote to prospects?

4064 votes

BABU MENON, Aff (India) 1/5/2015 10:26 am

Affiliate since: 09/06/2011, Power Rank: 3
Dear Friend,

Pricebenders Auctions are just one of the greatest windows of opportunities gives us by the SFI where you are allowed to participate to bid for various unique items at different levels.

Once you study the basic theme and the fundamentals about auctions, you can participate in the auctions to become a clear winner and of course, only with sheer determination and self confidence.

As far as I am concerned, I will tell you the best features about the

Why is it important to visit the SFI forum daily?

4034 votes

BABU MENON, Aff (India) 1/4/2015 10:25 am

Affiliate since: 09/06/2011, Power Rank: 3
Dear friend,

SFI Forum is like a great Library with eminent scholars where you get all the knowledge, ideas and methods to improve in the system and you will also be able to receive and discuss all the new developments in the system.

At the initial stages of my career in SFI, I was not a regular in visiting in SFI Forum but slowly and steadily, I had started visiting the Forum to get all the required information for an affiliate to improve and also the suggestions received

Why do so many affiliates become inactive shortly after joining SFI?

4013 votes

BABU MENON, Aff (India) 1/4/2015 10:38 am

Affiliate since: 09/06/2011, Power Rank: 3
Dear Friend,

It is a question being asked at least million times in the system. If you ask me about the reason behind it is simple.

Most of the people are joining in the system with a very inadequate concept of becoming rich instantly without understanding much. When a person is joining in the SFI as a beginner, SFI provides all the free opportunities to such ones to become successful and earn a commission at their first month itself just on the virtue of reading all

Is it better to build a team within your own spoken language and environment...or go beyond these boundaries ?

3958 votes

BABU MENON, Aff (India) 1/4/2015 10:24 am

Affiliate since: 09/06/2011, Power Rank: 3
Dear Friend,

SFI is an International Organization and if you are leading a team in it, you should think always in a way which is beyond the boundaries and your thoughts and ideas should match and acceptable all the members in your team from all over the world.

My team consists of members from all the over the world irrespective of languages, regions and time zones barriers. But being a leader in SFI, I always guide my team with an international point of view which should give