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What are the best methods for signing up ECAs?

37 votes

Masood Awan, Aff (Bahrain) 7/7/2012 1:34 am

Affiliate since: 05/15/2011, Power Rank: 509
Make a list of companies in your city, state, or country (and/or worldwide) you think would be good prospects for the ECA program. Get full postal addresses and/or phone numbers so you can mail literature and/or make phone calls if possible.

We can visit companies in our area, preparing ourself with pleasing personality & modern tools, meeting with decision makers, giving them ECA brochures & well managed presentation to convince them disclosing all the benefits at ECA.


What is the best way to promote your TConnect page?

37 votes

Masood Awan, Aff (Bahrain) 7/8/2012 1:16 pm

Affiliate since: 05/15/2011, Power Rank: 509
I am getting good results by promoting my TConnect Page at:
1. Posting in the STREAM tag, to ALL (PSA Gen1-6/CSA/a2a).
2. Social Medias free ads pages (Facebook/Twitter).
3. Traffic Exchanges.
4. Displaying Flyers at local Hyper Markets, Public Areas, Notice Boards etc.

Where can I find SFI success stories? And/or perhaps YOU have one to share?

37 votes

Masood Awan, Aff (Bahrain) 9/7/2012 1:41 am

Affiliate since: 05/15/2011, Power Rank: 509
BE AN EXAMPLE - CREATE YOUR OWN SUCCESS STORY. People with talent create their own success stories. They tackle all obstacles on their path to success. They don't care others quitting but they remain persistent. And when they start getting fruit of their hard work, they remain progressive encouraged by their own success.
Anyhow some people they do encouraged by other's success. To find out such affiliates:
1. Go to Power Rankings=>All Affiliates=>Top 200=>Submit, (

What do you personally envision for your future with SFI?

36 votes

Masood Awan, Aff (Bahrain) 8/24/2012 3:15 pm

Affiliate since: 05/15/2011, Power Rank: 509
My Personal experience upto now with SFI is positive. I am much satisfied here compared to other such sites. SFI keeps their promises and fulfil their commitments. If you are following the Training provided by SFI, specially SFI Basics & Launchpad Lessons, then success is guaranteed.

How can I get my TripleClicks PRMs (personally referred members) to buy products?

34 votes

Masood Awan, Aff (Bahrain) 7/9/2012 4:08 pm

Affiliate since: 05/15/2011, Power Rank: 509
1. Issue them Gift Certificate. At least for $10 or if you can afford more.
2. Refer them some good products which should appeal them.
3. Do above steps for some time until you see that they are taking interest.

TripleClicks has over 50,000 products now. How do I determine which products are the best to promote?

31 votes

Masood Awan, Aff (Bahrain) 7/9/2012 12:07 am

Affiliate since: 05/15/2011, Power Rank: 509
For best selection to promote from Tripleclicks products, keep in mind some important points as follows:
1. The item is must & everybody needs it.
2. The price is lowest.
3. The shipping charges are lowest or free.
4. The product costs less than the local price after reaching. This will mostly attract the customer.
5. The item is branded or offers best value for money.
6. In addition, it offers highest VPs. Disclose these extra benefits, the customer will get,

What's a good welcome letter to send to new CSAs?

31 votes

Masood Awan, Aff (Bahrain) 7/27/2012 3:57 pm

Affiliate since: 05/15/2011, Power Rank: 509
I am Masood Awan, appointed your co-sponsor by SFI.
I welcome you to my team. You are at right place learn, apply and earn lots of benefits and a sound financial status. But remember, it is not a get rich overnight system.
It is a system to which learning and taking actions will give you a strong, long lasting platform to earn at the comfort of your home.
Be persistent and regular. Ask where you get confused. I am more than happy to assist you anytime. My contacts:

How do you maintain EA status on a shoe string budget?

30 votes

Masood Awan, Aff (Bahrain) 9/28/2012 12:35 pm

Affiliate since: 05/15/2011, Power Rank: 509
Different sizes are available for shoe string. If you have a shoe string equals to $10, you are done. Here it is how:
Daily actions 11 X 30 = 330
Weekly TConnect Page 5 X 4 = 20
Weekly Stream Post 3 X 4 = 12
Weekly Group Mailer 30 X 4 = 120
Purchase Single TCredit 102 X 10 = 1020
Enjoy EA for the month.

How would you rate yourself as a sponsor and do you think your PSAs would agree with your rating?

30 votes

Masood Awan, Aff (Bahrain) 10/24/2012 2:25 pm

Affiliate since: 05/15/2011, Power Rank: 509
Naturally, everybody thinks that he is the genius and rates himself the best. But to be best, you have to do best. To rate myself 5 out of 5, I have to:
1. Communicate with my downline & guide them throughout the system.
2. Motivate them by giving them easy step by step guidance & rewarding them.
3. For their achievements, encouraging them even by Gift Certificates/Tcredits.
4. Should be available anytime they need any help and support.
5. Informing them for any new

How can I motivate my affiliates to do more with SFI?

29 votes

Masood Awan, Aff (Bahrain) 7/9/2012 4:20 am

Affiliate since: 05/15/2011, Power Rank: 509
1. Initially offer them some gifts. Like TCredits, $10 Gift Voucher, PSA Assignments etc.
2. Communicate with them using Skype to guide them by audio and video. It will attract and motivate them.
3. Provide them easy step by step support to understand SFI system and move forward smoothly.
4. Always be available and be happy to assist them by giving them ur contacts. Like Mobile Phone to SMS you any time they need you.