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When I am fully self-employed with SFI, and someone asks what I do for a living, what do I tell them?

4489 votes

BABU MENON, Aff (India) 2/1/2014 3:41 am

Affiliate since: 09/06/2011, Power Rank: 3
It is for you to describe how your career is going on with SFI. If you are happy with it and content with the income you generate in SFI, then why not, tell the concerned very confidently that you are a full time Online Business Man.

Many people have started their career and earned their second income in SFI but after a few months or years, one will realize the volume of the income they generate and it may even go manifold of their actual source of income through other services.


Which TEXT ADS have worked the best for you to attract PSAs?

4473 votes

BABU MENON, Aff (India) 5/23/2014 2:14 am

Affiliate since: 09/06/2011, Power Rank: 3
The Text Ads are the new and very innovational idea to get the desired result we need to have for. The name Text Ads itself says that it should be in short in nature.

I use a very good Blog to attract new sign ups but apart from myself introduction and my experiences thus far in our great system, the other things which I have created to attract enough sign ups into our great system are Short, Sweet, Systematic, Symbolic and Inspiring. I always make sure of those salient qualities

What do I need to do to make myself the best SFI affiliate possible?

4422 votes

BABU MENON, Aff (India) 2/1/2014 3:06 am

Affiliate since: 09/06/2011, Power Rank: 3
Your dedication, your application and your determination. All these three factors will make you highly successful in the system as an Affiliate.

When you start as an Affiliate in SFI, your dedication only can take you forward and make you learn the system. Then it is your applicability with all the actions , which takes you further to new heights and attain you the desired status and success. Thereafter, only your determination to stay on and scale the new summits will decide your

How can I motivate and inspire my team using my SFI Leadership Page?

4392 votes

BABU MENON, Aff (India) 5/2/2015 2:46 am

Affiliate since: 09/06/2011, Power Rank: 3

In any business, the right Leadership always matter. SFI is an online MLM business organization so our Leadership will speak for ourselves about what we can offer to our downline and also to our potential customers and make them successful in the due course.

It is very important to update your Leadership page with realistic commitments and enthusiasm towards your Team without confusing the lot. I am sure, they will go through the same to understand themselves about their

Is it a good idea to reassign your PSAs to someone in their own country?

4384 votes

BABU MENON, Aff (India) 2/1/2014 2:47 am

Affiliate since: 09/06/2011, Power Rank: 3
I don’t think that it is a bad idea to reassign PSAs to your downline who are in the formers' own locality or country. It will certainly give an additional boost towards their growth and also in interacting much easily with their sponsor. Constant interaction in their own language will instill more confidence in them to perform much better and to their fullest to produce positive results in the system.

However, it is also to be noted that the reassignment is being made to the

What are the best facts, stories, and figures you can share with friends and family to gain their trust and get them enrolled in SFI?

4368 votes

BABU MENON, Aff (India) 3/25/2014 9:20 am

Affiliate since: 09/06/2011, Power Rank: 3
There is nothing better than our own experiences. At start, people will first ignore us, slowly they will notice our progress, finally they will salute us. That is what I have experienced in the pursuit in SFI so far.

I was absolutely nothing in SFI when I started and was in the search of right path as any other youngsters to move forward. I had earned my income in SFI during my first month itself, but I got my first redeemable income after a long six months. Even my family was not

What is the best way to become a Team Leader?

4366 votes

BABU MENON, Aff (India) 3/25/2014 6:48 am

Affiliate since: 09/06/2011, Power Rank: 3
There are several ways to become a Team Leader in SFI with or without much investment.

A person who aspire to become a Team Leader and aim for that status, do only when he or she has got a good and active downline at various levels under them and otherwise, I think, it will be a futile effort to become a Team Leader without an active team to boast of.

To become a Team Leader, I will take the example of Bronze Team Leader to earn all the true benefits till the level of

What long-term goal(s) should an affiliate be setting for themselves?

4364 votes

BABU MENON, Aff (India) 6/28/2014 12:08 am

Affiliate since: 09/06/2011, Power Rank: 3
My dear friend,

According to the valuable guidance of SFI, we are all setting our monthly goals and trying to achieve the same in the stipulated period. I will describe it as a short term target and if we can fulfill the same, then we are entitled to set our long term goals in the system.

As far as I am concerned, from the beginning I set long term goals and for me, the most important goal is recruiting new affiliates into the team and make them active with realistic

Is it wise to 'bribe' your downline with Gift Certificates, TCredits or other incentives? Or does this practice come back and bite you?

4354 votes

BABU MENON, Aff (India) 6/28/2014 12:40 am

Affiliate since: 09/06/2011, Power Rank: 3
Dear friend,

Firstly, I have to disagree with you for using the word “Bribe” when we assist and promote our own Downline Mmebers to achieve the success. Please note that, we are neither assisting any outside people nor doing any wrong methods by assisting our own members because our team members are the backbone in our team and without their success, you can’t imagine the success nor be able to sustain for long in the system.

Often, even our active members may face

What is the best way to help my PSAs understand SFI?

4352 votes

BABU MENON, Aff (India) 3/25/2014 6:01 am

Affiliate since: 09/06/2011, Power Rank: 3
Understanding about SFI is your own explanation as Sponsor to your new PSAs about the system. It is solely depend on how effectively you can convince them and instill them the much needed confidence and trust about SFI.

Once people join in your Team as your PSAs, from there on, it is for you to treat such persons as children who have enrolled in the kindergarten school and narrate everything in a very simple manner about the system and also the ways to learn and earn in the system.
