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Good communication with our team is vital in SFI, but what if we are not good writers; how do we learn to write well?

7717 votes

Gilbert Mills, Aff (New Zealand) 11/15/2015 11:55 am

Affiliate since: 07/03/2024, Power Rank: 99999999
Good communication with our team is vital in SFI, but what if we are not good writers; how do we learn to write well?

Darla, Hi!

We live in an age when we are constantly bombarded with communications of every sort – actually most of it is designed to persuade us to buy or do something or to a particular way of thinking. The communication is given a “spin” and to protect ourselves from falling prey to the “spin doctors” we need to learn all sorts of ways to distinguish

How can I help the Movers on my team move up to the next level?

7681 votes

Gilbert Mills, Aff (New Zealand) 11/15/2015 4:30 am

Affiliate since: 07/03/2024, Power Rank: 99999999
How can I help the Movers on my team move up to the next level?

Firstly I “LEAD FROM THE FRONT!” I am VERY AGGRESSIVE myself in striving for the highest rank I can possibly obtain each month.

On the first day of each month I work out a plan for the month of what rank I think I can achieve. My plan includes not just the next rank but the rank above it too. I think two ranks ahead because there can be a number of ways of obtaining the next rank AND I want to work out the

How could I promote SFI with a VIDEO?

7648 votes

Gilbert Mills, Aff (New Zealand) 11/15/2015 4:22 pm

Affiliate since: 07/03/2024, Power Rank: 99999999
How could I promote SFI with a VIDEO?

Zina, Hi!
Producing my own videos to help promote SFI is something I have been thinking about for sometime. It seems to be very popular now that webpages have video content in them. And I’m thinking it may be one way for me to encourage genuine recruits who are prepared to stay in SFI for the long haul and WORK. At the very least they would know who they would be working with (me, as their sponsor).

My Apple iMac computer is the

How can I be effective recruiting affiliates face to face and one on one?

7567 votes

Gilbert Mills, Aff (New Zealand) 10/14/2015 6:49 pm

Affiliate since: 07/03/2024, Power Rank: 99999999
How can I be effective recruiting affiliates face to face and one on one?

I think its great that you want to get together with a prospective affiliate for a meeting, as you say, “face to face” and “one on one”. And I think that this will give you the best opportunity to present SFI to them and the best chance to sign them up.

This person may be from your warm market or they could be a contact made through local advertising or even a chance meeting. Either way you will

What is the best way to help affiliates in my group who have limited access to a computer?

7454 votes

Gilbert Mills, Aff (New Zealand) 3/8/2015 10:16 pm

Affiliate since: 07/03/2024, Power Rank: 99999999
What is the best way to help affiliates in my group who have limited access to a computer?

SFI is a great business to be in. BUT there are a few ESSENTIAL pieces of equipment that you need. You need a computer, a reliable internet connection, a smart phone for 24/7 connectivity and a bank account with a debit card.

If you don’t have these things you will need to get them. So you need a budget. How much will each cost to buy and what will be the monthly on-going costs?


How important is it that your family embrace your SFI business...and what if they don't?

7436 votes

Gilbert Mills, Aff (New Zealand) 10/14/2015 7:58 pm

Affiliate since: 07/03/2024, Power Rank: 99999999
How important is it that your family embrace your SFI business … and what if they don’t?

Well, it’s like any obstacle you may face in life. How will you respond? Are you going to let someone else determine your path? Or are you going to follow your own convictions?

Sadly, my family don’t embrace my SFI business. But I am determined to keep going.

To be fair they haven’t put the hours into SFI that I have. They haven’t read what I have read. They don’t

Should I prospect people to become affiliates only from my own country...or from everywhere?

7433 votes

Gilbert Mills, Aff (New Zealand) 10/14/2015 7:36 pm

Affiliate since: 07/03/2024, Power Rank: 99999999
Should I prospect people to become affiliates only from my own country … or from everywhere?

I say do both – DON’T LIMIT YOURSELF!

I embrace SFI’s motto “AIM HIGH – DREAM BIG!” wholeheartedly so my dream is to lead a team that has at least one Diamond Team Leader in every country in the world.

AND, this is an internet business. That lends itself to and is aimed at the worldwide marketplace.

Internet businesses and worldwide businesses are

What's the best way to communicate with your downline?

7277 votes

Gilbert Mills, Aff (New Zealand) 10/16/2015 3:57 pm

Affiliate since: 07/03/2024, Power Rank: 99999999
What is the best way to communicate with your downline?

This is what I do.

My basic communication is to use the general communication tools provided by SFI to send a message to my whole team (PSAs and CSAs) or to a group of them through the TeamMail and Stream Post facilities available to us in SFI.

I use TeamMail for such things as my welcome emails, my weekly group chats and for special information messages that I want to share with a group – such as a great

What are some of the best ways to advertise my business OUTSIDE of online social media?

7159 votes

Gilbert Mills, Aff (New Zealand) 12/13/2015 5:08 pm

Affiliate since: 07/03/2024, Power Rank: 99999999
What are some of the best ways to advertise my business OUTSIDE of online social media?

I think there is great potential for SFI to help those in our local community and this is the area in which I wish to focus my advertising. And here I am talking about both Affiliate and ECA advertising.

And, obviously I wish to concentrate on FREE advertising. So anywhere where I can make personal contact with someone is my first aim. May I suggest you try the following: -

1. Select

What can you do to make SFI more exciting and fun for your team?

7133 votes

Gilbert Mills, Aff (New Zealand) 12/9/2015 7:27 pm

Affiliate since: 07/03/2024, Power Rank: 99999999
What can you do to make SFI more exciting and fun for your team?

I think the best way to answer this question is to ask it of myself. So - what makes my SFI business exciting and fun for me?

And, that question is very easy to answer – everything about SFI gets me excited and I really do enjoy working in my SFI business everyday. In fact SFI is probably the thing I enjoy doing the most.

How do I communicate this to my team?

I hope my enthusiasm and encouragement