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What's the best way to get more VersaPoints?

5011 votes

Pavle Tancic, Aff (Serbia) 9/1/2014 12:05 pm

Affiliate since: 07/23/2013, Power Rank: 99999999

This is the one of the most important questions.

To get more Versa Points you should do as much as you can following:
-to do yours daily, weekly and monthly actions;
-to have 1500 VP Standing Order;
-to have Tripleclicks sales;
-to participate in auctions;
-to participate in Eager Zebra games (i.e. Knockout Trivia, Time Machine and Pick The Price);
-to submit most popular/second/third most popular Ask SC answer; and
-to have your own

What are the best ways to use the WAVE3 X-Cards?

4834 votes

Pavle Tancic, Aff (Serbia) 9/1/2014 12:20 pm

Affiliate since: 07/23/2013, Power Rank: 99999999

I think that answer to this questions is quite easy.

It is one of the most important advertising tools.
So, the best way to use the WAVE3 X-Cards is to distribute them among people.
At such way you can have many potential affiliates, buyers and associates.

Also, don't forget the benefits of being a W3 member: every month you get 5 free TCredits, 50 free MRP's, possibility to win weekly W3 250$ in cash, etc.

To your success!

When you initiate an online chat with a new PSA, what should you discuss?

4746 votes

Pavle Tancic, Aff (Serbia) 9/1/2014 12:33 pm

Affiliate since: 07/23/2013, Power Rank: 99999999

This is a very important question.

When you initiate an online chat with a new PSA, first you should introduce yourself.
Then, you should inform this PSA of every benefits which comes as being a SFI affiliate.
Introduce him/her with Start, SFI Basics and Launchpad.
Tell him/her that you are going to be always to support and to resolve any potential problem that he/she would have in the future according to SFI.
Tell him/her that you are here to

How can I convince my downline of the benefits of having a Standing Order without them feeling pressured?

4691 votes

Pavle Tancic, Aff (Serbia) 9/23/2013 6:58 am

Affiliate since: 07/23/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
Good question.
Any kind of pressure is not a wise solution, especially to yours down-line.
You can simply explain them the benefits of Standing Order:
With low budget of 1 TC SO could be enough for starting point...
But after 2 or 3 months you can explain to yours affiliates that it is quite obvious that SO with 1500 VersaPoints makes them EA every month.
So, if they want to make progress and bigger income, they should have their SO every month.
Best Regards

Where are the best places and what are the best ways to get answers about SFI?

4632 votes

Pavle Tancic, Aff (Serbia) 2/18/2015 6:47 am

Affiliate since: 07/23/2013, Power Rank: 99999999

This is a very good question.

There is a lot of places to get answers about SFI:
-Ask SC;
-Search box in the up-right corner;
-Yours sponsor and up-line;
-Yours co-sponsor;
-a2a friends;
-support; and eventually
-google search

For me personally, all of these are the best places. I've been asked a lot of questions and I've got the answers from these sources.

Hope that this will help you.

How can I use a PSA's Affiliate Profile to help him or her get off to a good start and become successful in SFI?

4544 votes

Pavle Tancic, Aff (Serbia) 2/18/2015 7:03 am

Affiliate since: 07/23/2013, Power Rank: 99999999

A PSA's Affiliate Profile could be very useful to determine how to help him or her get off to a good start and become successful in SFI.

For example:

Basic badges:
-from E365 badge you can see what is the position of this PSA, and to give useful advice about that.
-From Daily VP streak, Monthly EA streak, Fast track and 1500 VP SO badges you can collect useful informations about is this PSA a commitment and ambitious person.


Above all else, what is the ONE THING that has made the difference for you in succeeding with SFI?

4528 votes

Pavle Tancic, Aff (Serbia) 12/5/2013 5:35 am

Affiliate since: 07/23/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
If I must choose above all else, what is the ONE THING that has made the difference for me in succeeding with SFI, I'm choosing free learning tools.
All that you need for training for yourself and yours affiliates is free.
There is complete and detail guidelines for everything you need: start, sfi basics, launchpad, income, marketing, references, training, power tools, support, tripleclicks, genealogy, scoreboard, etc.
Everything is there and free!
I hope that this will help.

What do I need to do to make myself the best SFI affiliate possible?

4459 votes

Pavle Tancic, Aff (Serbia) 2/2/2014 9:07 am

Affiliate since: 07/23/2013, Power Rank: 99999999

It is very important question.

I’ll try to answer it within 10 areas:
1. Be persistent;
2. Be positive;
3. Be dedicated;
4. Learn all about SFI (Start, SFI Basics, Launchpad, Ask Gerry, News, Sponsor, Co-sponsor, up-line, a2a, Ask SC, Forum, etc.);
5. Login every day and do your daily, weekly and monthly tasks;
6. Make a SO (1500 VP or other);
7. Participate in all hourly and daily contests (PTP, T-time, Daily Grand, W3…);

How do you get your affiliates engaged and conversing regularly with you?

4422 votes

Pavle Tancic, Aff (Serbia) 10/31/2013 5:02 am

Affiliate since: 07/23/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
I think that the answer to this question could be connected, i.e. it is quite similar to the situation in the "regular" life.
What I trying to say is, how do you get engaged and conversing regularly with your friends, relatives, colleagues, neighbors, etc; the same regards to yours affiliates.
You should be available for: communication, answering to the questions, explanations, resolving the problems, trust, etc.
These are essential if you want to get your affiliates

How do you explain to prospects what SFI is about in a simple way?

4411 votes

Pavle Tancic, Aff (Serbia) 10/31/2013 4:45 am

Affiliate since: 07/23/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
There are several explanations which you can use to answer what SFI is about in a simple way.
For example, you can inform that:
1. SFI exists since 1998;
2. It is free to join;
3. There are more than 102000 products to buy;
4. It is easy to recruit the affiliates;
5. There are commissions every month;
6. You do not need much money to invest (optional); etc.
I hope that this will help...
Best Regards