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How would it benefit me to transfer TCredits to my PSAs or CSAs?

3817 votes

Pheone Allen-Barrett, Aff (Jamaica) 10/23/2013 7:46 pm

Affiliate since: 02/05/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
When you transfer TCredits to you PSAs or CSAs it can be beneficial to you. If a member of your downline is very close to becoming EA and needs a few more points these TCredits can come in very handy because they can be transferred to Member Reward Points and used for the purchase of tripleclicks items. These purchases will then award Vps to your downline member. When a member of your downline becomes EA then you will earn an income from their actions and sales.

You will also be rewarded

What should I do when I receive inactive CSAs?

3689 votes

Pheone Allen-Barrett, Aff (Jamaica) 12/20/2013 12:31 pm

Affiliate since: 02/05/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
When you receive inactive CSA's you should send them a welcome letter and introduce yourself. You should also send them your email address if they need to contact you. Let them be aware that you are there for them and whatever questions they have you will be happy to assist them in any way you can.

You can also send a team mail to these CSAs if there is not you can send a team mail. If the number is large then you can send the team mail in phases. Remember some will, some will not so do

I need a mentor. What's the best way to find a mentor for SFI?

3616 votes

Pheone Allen-Barrett, Aff (Jamaica) 1/28/2014 7:49 pm

Affiliate since: 02/05/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
In SFI, there are so many mentors. The first mentor should be your sponsor. Sometimes our sponsors are not good mentors. In this case we will have to turn to A2A to find a good mentor. You sometimes have to go to the forum and find a good mentor who you can then invite to be your A2A friend. Sometimes it it so amazing to see how these A2A friends can become good mentors.

I received an A2A request which I accepted. I realized that this person contributes quite a lot to the forum and so

What is the best way to present the idea of TripleClicks TCredits to someone who has never heard of them?

3567 votes

Pheone Allen-Barrett, Aff (Jamaica) 1/23/2014 6:33 pm

Affiliate since: 02/05/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
The best way to present the idea of TripleClicks TCredits to someone who has never heard of it is by telling them that TripleCclicks is an online store with hundreds of items for sale. This store uses different methods by which you can pay for items bought. TCredits is one such method. You can purchase TCredits from the store. These come in various packages. The more you buy the cheaper each will become. For example, one TCredit will cost $1.89 but if you buy a 100 pack, you will get each at a cost

There is a lot of fraud on the Internet. How do we convince skeptical prospects that SFI is legit and real?

3562 votes

Pheone Allen-Barrett, Aff (Jamaica) 1/13/2014 7:13 am

Affiliate since: 02/05/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
You can convince skeptical prospects that SFI is real because SFI is the only internet business which allows you to use your funds once you have $7.00 in your account. There are some online businesses that will tell you that you can cash out once you reach $20.00 and later on it changes to $30.00 and it is so hard to earn money to reach that mark. In SFI you have so many income earning possibilities. You are given the opportunity to win prizes which will help in your income earning potential.


How do I convince someone to try SFI when they've had bad experiences previously with online businesses?

3555 votes

Pheone Allen-Barrett, Aff (Jamaica) 5/11/2014 9:18 am

Affiliate since: 02/05/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
In order to convince someone to try SFI when they've had bad experiences previously with online businesses you need to let them know that:

1. SFI is free to join. There is no start-up cost so even if they decide that they do not want to be a part of it at a later date, there is no money to lose.

2. There are free training materials available, so even if you have never been a part of the business world the free training materials will guide you to be a very good entrepreneur.


How do I get the maximum benefits of being an SFI affiliate?

3550 votes

Pheone Allen-Barrett, Aff (Jamaica) 5/2/2014 8:04 pm

Affiliate since: 02/05/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
In order to get the maximum benefits of being an SFI affiliate you need to make use of all the tools which SFI has made available. You need to log in everyday and do the actions on your to-do-list. You also need to ensure that you do all your weekly and monthly tasks.

You also need to ensure that you read, review and put the launchpad lessons into action

Duplication is also another way in which you can get maximum benefits. Teach you team how to be successful, then they will

What should new affiliates NOT do in their first month?

3543 votes

Pheone Allen-Barrett, Aff (Jamaica) 5/11/2014 8:58 am

Affiliate since: 02/05/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
In their first month of SFI new affiliates should follow these guidelines.

1. Do not take it for granted that you have enough VersaPoints to make it to EA and therefor neglect the daily points. These Daily points can give you a maximum of 341 VersaPoints if you sign in on the first day of the month and there are 31 days in the month. If you earn these daily points then you can save some of your one time action points for the second and third months qualification as Executive Affiliate.


What was your greatest challenge to success in SFI...and how did you overcome it?

3496 votes

Pheone Allen-Barrett, Aff (Jamaica) 5/11/2014 9:47 am

Affiliate since: 02/05/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
My greatest challenge to success has been finance.

In my first two months I barely made it to EA. I did not have the finances to afford a straight internet connection. I was only able to afford maybe a day's card each week. This hampered my progress as I missed out on the daily action points.

I went back to affiliate state after the second month. I still did not give up and I logged in whenever I could. After A while I was able to log in everyday because I had internet connection.

Should I buy PSAs or learn how to sponsor them myself?

3430 votes

Pheone Allen-Barrett, Aff (Jamaica) 1/28/2014 7:58 pm

Affiliate since: 02/05/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
I think you should both sponsor and Buy PSAs. Whether you buy them or refer them you still have to sponsor them. When you do both, then your chances of generating at lest a few good workers increases. We know that there will be many inactive PSAs but there must be a few from both sponsoring methods who will duplicate your actions and help to grow your business.