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When you initiate an online chat with a new PSA, what should you discuss?

4932 votes

Djebah O'vughe , Aff (Nigeria) 9/8/2014 3:03 am

Affiliate since: 09/25/2012, Power Rank: 99999999
Hello there,

It is really good and makes a lot of sense to chat online with your PSAs especially when you have a responsive PSA who is interested in his/her business.

So, when you get the opportunity to chat, make the most use of it to discuss in general SFI and TripleClicks matters except when the PSA concerned, has specific things about the business to chat about.

When chatting, show that you are interested in the growth of his/her business. Definitely, there are

Why don't more people work towards advancing in SFI?

4830 votes

Djebah O'vughe , Aff (Nigeria) 6/7/2013 2:16 pm

Affiliate since: 09/25/2012, Power Rank: 99999999
Hello affiliates,

I have seen similar question pop up in the forum here. I will in my attempt to answer this question, state why more people do not work towards advancing in SFI and also state some actions that could be taken to stem this ugly tide.

Why don't more people work towards advancing in SFI?

a.Most affiliates join with the intention of making quick money. We all know that
SFI is not a “get rich quick scheme’’. It requires

I live in Africa. How can I become successful in SFI?

4740 votes

Djebah O'vughe , Aff (Nigeria) 8/9/2013 4:53 am

Affiliate since: 09/25/2012, Power Rank: 99999999
Hello Aaron and to all SFI affiliates,

I beg to disagree on those who say that this question is irrelevant, like someone suggested in the forum some days ago. There is a saying that ''Only the wearer knows where the shoe pinches''

Yes, it is true that SFI is a global business and that all you need is just a computer and an internet connection. It is not a secret that people like myself who live in Africa and other third world countries faces tougher challenges. Challenges that

How do we know if our PSAs and CSAs are serious about building a successful SFI business?

4681 votes

Djebah O'vughe , Aff (Nigeria) 10/25/2014 12:06 pm

Affiliate since: 09/25/2012, Power Rank: 99999999

As we all know, PSAs and CSAs inactivity is a problem we all battle with on a daily basis in SFI. It is comforting to know that it is not only an SFI problem but of any internet business in general. Again, we are excited when we get PSAs and CSAs who are serious about building their SFI business.

At the time of sign up of a PSA or when a CSA is assigned, we are not able to tell those who would be getting serious about building their business but there are signs that

Of all of SFI's Power Tools, which ones works best for you and why?

4660 votes

Djebah O'vughe , Aff (Nigeria) 8/9/2013 6:24 am

Affiliate since: 09/25/2012, Power Rank: 99999999
Hello Sherri Cecil,

Top of the day to you and indeed all SFI affiliates.

In other to answer your questions, i will like to list all the Power Tools as provided by SFI under the POWER TOOLS tab found on the SFI homepage. You can use this link to explore it:

The power tools are: S-Builder Co-op, Key codes, Hit Tracking, Co-op Manager, PSA Mailer, CSA Mailer, Reassignment Manager, Affiliate Manager, Genealogy, Gift Certificate Manager.

Why should I remain focused on my SFI business when there are other companies offering me allegedly similar opportunities?

4616 votes

Djebah O'vughe , Aff (Nigeria) 9/24/2014 5:55 am

Affiliate since: 09/25/2012, Power Rank: 99999999
Hello Emmanuel,

We all have our different reasons why we joined SFI. As diverse as our various reasons for joining may be, it all boils down to the same fact which is to earn an extra income online!

I don't know how many opportunities similar to SFI that you have seen but believe me, i have seen a lot and there is something different about SFI. I do not want to bore you with my personal experiences but let me just state that i have joined and tried out a lot of opportunities

As an ECA, how can I get SFI affiliates to promote my products and services?

4604 votes

Djebah O'vughe , Aff (Nigeria) 5/28/2013 4:00 am

Affiliate since: 09/25/2012, Power Rank: 99999999
Hello VIctoria Arbelo,

ECA is an acronym for E-Commerce Associate. The ECA is a program operated by SFI/TipleClicks that allows commercial sellers to market their products at TripleClicks alongside existing TripleClicks products and also from their own, separate TripleClicks "TConnect" website.

The last time I checked, TripleClicks has 3,577 ECAs with 142 countries with ECAs, with 78,739 products listed! This is such a remarkable achievement if I may say. From your

Why or why not should I promote Fast-Track 2.0 in my welcome letters to new affiliates? If yes, what wording should I add?

4600 votes

Djebah O'vughe , Aff (Nigeria) 10/25/2014 10:40 am

Affiliate since: 09/25/2012, Power Rank: 99999999

SFI always intimate new affiliates about Fast Track and how to go about making Fast Track. You know the affiliates who are serious at the start of their SFI business when they make FAST TRACK.

It is also your responsibility as a sponsor to let your affiliates know about the Fast Track 2.0 in your welcome letters and SFI corporate recommends that as well. I have always mentioned that in my welcome letters even before the new Fast Track 2.0 came to being. Hence, I will

What is the best way to maintain my SFI position and continue to support my team whilst on vacation with limited, if any, internet availability?

4598 votes

Djebah O'vughe , Aff (Nigeria) 10/25/2014 11:30 am

Affiliate since: 09/25/2012, Power Rank: 99999999

It is always good to plan your vacation as it pertains to your SFI business. In that guise, I will always suggest you put your vacation mode button on especially when you are traveling to a location where you suspect that internet availability is going to be a problem. And also put in a stream post alerting your team members of your unavailability during your vacation period.

You don't need to bother yourself too much because of your vacation. All you need to do is put in

How does the new Fast-Track 2.0 program improve my SFI and TripleClicks business?

4591 votes

Djebah O'vughe , Aff (Nigeria) 10/25/2014 10:13 am

Affiliate since: 09/25/2012, Power Rank: 99999999

The Fast Track 2.0 is one of the best things to come out of SFI in recent times. When I read the news from "Latest News" tab, I was excited! I'm sure so many others were as excited as I was because I saw that excitement manifest in my movers list. For sake of those who have not read the news, you can get here

Below is an extract from I got from the Fast Track 2.0 page....

"With this new feature, every month you can earn