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Why should I invest in SFI?

5447 votes

Danijela Čolić, Aff (Serbia) 12/23/2014 10:56 am

Affiliate since: 09/11/2014, Power Rank: 99999999
This job is great because you don’t have to invest your own money, but in any case, you must invest your time.
If you invest your money you will have some benefits such as rapidly improving your job. You can invest small amounts of money. You can buy W3 for 1.95$ and you will get 5TC i 50MPR every months. Believe me – every month when you get this TC and MPR your mood will be rapidly improved. You can buy S-builder (my opinion is that S-builder is the best investment) and you

What is the most important message I must convey to my team to prevent them becoming inactive?

5381 votes

Danijela Čolić, Aff (Serbia) 4/16/2015 7:25 am

Affiliate since: 09/11/2014, Power Rank: 99999999
This is not a scam and I'm not a crook and I'm not a beggar. This is an honest job for serious and hard-working people. Let these sentences are always in your thoughts. Send them to the members of your team. You're actually doing a service to people when you're offering them this business opportunities.

There is no need for you to convince your team to anything. You honestly explain the benefits of this job and let them decide for themselves. Do not waste time on those suspicious and slackers.

What Information should I give new affiliates in my first email to them?

5362 votes

Danijela Čolić, Aff (Serbia) 3/20/2015 8:34 am

Affiliate since: 09/11/2014, Power Rank: 99999999
The most important thing is to be businesslike, but polite. You need to show your new PSA that you're glad that he is on your team, but you can not push a button it too.

I've set up links to video tutorials that can help him ( how to do Getting started and daily actions; how to play T-Time). Also I him briefly explain the essence of his work.

Also I kindly ask associates to call me and leave your contact details.

What would you say to a PSA who states that their goal is to find an online job involving filling out forms and typing?

5268 votes

Danijela Čolić, Aff (Serbia) 4/16/2015 9:11 am

Affiliate since: 09/11/2014, Power Rank: 99999999
This is the question with which we all increasingly encounter. It would be funny if it were not sad.

It is sad how a large number of adults do not want to work and believes that they can get the money without work. Maybe they are right. You can get the money without hard work, but mostly not in a lawful and honest way.

You're lucky if you associate asks you this question day or two after joining. It's terrible if you get asked a month later when you've already invested a lot

Should I stick strictly to using SFI's system or would it benefit me to add some of my own touches and strategies?

5262 votes

Danijela Čolić, Aff (Serbia) 4/11/2015 6:36 pm

Affiliate since: 09/11/2014, Power Rank: 99999999
Sfi gives all his associates same chance. We all have the opportunity to succeed and increase our earnings. SFI provides us free training in marketing, SFI explains the essence of the work and suggests ways in which we can succeed.

But, we come from different country, even different continents. We have different background. We most often in contact with his countrymen. Something that is in one country usually a sign of good manners, that can be rude and even insulting in another country.

How do I explain to prospects what my relationship is with SFI and TripleClicks?

5175 votes

Danijela Čolić, Aff (Serbia) 1/26/2015 6:40 am

Affiliate since: 09/11/2014, Power Rank: 99999999
I usually explain my associates that the SFI website where we can learn things related to the job, online marketing, to find out the changes and innovations, that we see our earnings... This is a mixture of online schools, and counseling and bookkeeping services. This is a place for training and it can get answers to most questions that trouble us about the job.
Tripleclicks is a kind of "working field". Here we are looking for products that we're going to advertise or buy, there participate

What are some tips for winning the Eager Zebra Card King game?

5136 votes

Danijela Čolić, Aff (Serbia) 4/15/2015 6:47 am

Affiliate since: 09/11/2014, Power Rank: 99999999


Why it is difficult to convince your PSAs and CSAs to work the business despite all its advantages?

5132 votes

Danijela Čolić, Aff (Serbia) 12/23/2014 6:36 am

Affiliate since: 09/11/2014, Power Rank: 99999999
People are very different and complicate. Also, most people want to earn a lot of money, but sociologists explain that people don’t like hard working (people alienated from work). A lot of people hope that can be rich without any work. You have read about fraud and ask yourself how anybody can become victim of that people - that is a reason.
Every person believes that he or she is the cleverest person in world. Usually, they can be deaf for any advices and do what they want. They

How can a disabled person with no marketing skills build a successful business with SFI?

5110 votes

Danijela Čolić, Aff (Serbia) 5/14/2015 8:45 am

Affiliate since: 09/11/2014, Power Rank: 99999999
A disabled person having a physical or mental condition that limits their movements, senses, or activities. So what did you exactly mean?

SFI provides equal opportunity to all. The rules are the same for all. SFI offers the same training to all. There are no racial, religious, national or any other discrimination. Nobody here cares whether you're male or female, beautiful or ugly, fat or thin, whether you have the perfect hairstyle or not, whether you are fit or smoke 60 cigarettes a

How do I identify amongst all my downline members which ones could be superstars in SFI?

5031 votes

Danijela Čolić, Aff (Serbia) 4/16/2015 8:34 am

Affiliate since: 09/11/2014, Power Rank: 99999999
How to recognize a member who will be a superstar? It's an interesting question.

This job gives everyone an equal chance. The most important thing is to be persistent and do not give up.

Future superstar immediately respond to your emails. He's regularly doing daily tasks. He sets the advertisements. It is not paranoid. It is not expected that the first month due to $ 50,000. He has realistic expectations. He is ready to work and he's interested in new tings.