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Are there any shortcuts to success in SFI for new affiliates?

4444 votes

Paul Mostert, Aff (South Africa) 4/14/2014 12:32 pm

Affiliate since: 05/07/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
There is the old saying: "If this is a shortcut, why was the main road not build here".

In SFI it may be slightly different, depending on what you mean by "shortcut". Allow me to explain:
1. If you just joined SFI, Launchpad will be your "shortcut" to achieve your first SFI rank and get the feeling of becoming a Sponsor of 2 CSA's, within days after joining.
2. Press hard within your first couple of days, because you can make it to BTL status

What is the best strategy to win the E365 Championship for my class?

4433 votes

Paul Mostert, Aff (South Africa) 2/22/2014 7:10 am

Affiliate since: 05/07/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
I would say the best strategy would be to see your biggest competitor for this yourself! Ask yourself: Are we running a race, or are building businesses?

To run the SFI race, you need VersaPoints.

To build the SFI business, you need to set goals for yourself, and you need to stick to that goals. You will build your business through Affiliates, planning and leadership.

If you keep your focus right, you may just won the E365, but even if you do win

How often should I communicate with my Sponsor and Co-Sponsor?

4275 votes

Paul Mostert, Aff (South Africa) 2/2/2014 12:28 am

Affiliate since: 05/07/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
I have read the answers given by other authors, and I agree with all of them: This should be dependent on your needs.

There is however another side to this too. As a Sponsor, it feels good when you receive an message from an Affiliate just to say "hello", or a message to thank him / her for their views or tips shared.

Sometimes an Affiliate share his own experiences and successes with me, and I can share this as an motivational tip eith the rest of the Team.


Is it wise to 'bribe' your downline with Gift Certificates, TCredits or other incentives? Or does this practice come back and bite you?

4235 votes

Paul Mostert, Aff (South Africa) 7/4/2014 2:15 am

Affiliate since: 05/07/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
There is a difference between "bribe" and "competition". My own Sponsor, do not run a lot of competitions, neither does he "bribe" anyone. He will sometimes out of the blue, without warning, just post on stream post, that he have transferred TCredits or some affiliates over to another person, and he will explain why he did it. Maybe the person achieved a new Rank for the first time (for instance).

The fact that he announce this publicly in a stream post,

How is SFI different or better than other affiliate programs?

3962 votes

Paul Mostert, Aff (South Africa) 9/19/2014 3:06 am

Affiliate since: 05/07/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
How is SFI different? This is a easy one to answer.

You do not have to invest anything in training except your time, and you starts to make money from day 1. Even if you decide within a day that you want to opt can do that without any penalty. Now how many online programs can offer you the same?

What do you have to lose?

How do you explain to prospects what SFI is about in a simple way?

3912 votes

Paul Mostert, Aff (South Africa) 11/2/2013 4:34 pm

Affiliate since: 05/07/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
This is just brilliant... and to be honest I would like the answer to this question too...HOWEVER: SFI is not as complex as many would think when they first start in the program.

SFI in a simple way would be: A gateway to financial freedom. One can choose many paths in SFI. Commitment is compulsory, but the rest is really up to one's own choice.

How can I find affiliates who are truly interested in SFI and who will remain active?

3771 votes

Paul Mostert, Aff (South Africa) 10/26/2013 7:17 pm

Affiliate since: 05/07/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
Unfortunately my friend there is no magic way in finding thee 100% Affiliate who will give you 100% commitment or activity.

To optimize on this "unfair" situation is just to treat everyone that become an Affiliate exactly the same. Do not judge Affiliates by where they come from, because you never know.....

Once they signed up be close to them. Watch their VP ledger daily and advise them when they skip something. Do not just give them web they

Fear of success is a major problem for many people. How do you get past this with your team members?

3751 votes

Paul Mostert, Aff (South Africa) 1/6/2015 1:01 am

Affiliate since: 05/07/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
If you analyse “fear” it will boil down to only one thing: The unknown.
We all are afraid of some things only because we do not understand it or have not experienced it before. It is not a bad thing. It keeps you alert at all times. With SFI, there is a bit of a “safety net” with all the support that the program offers. Think of it this way: Your affiliates are already in your downline. The worst thing that can happen is you can lose an affiliate if you make a mistake, but if you

Can I set up my SFI business to run on autopilot? If so, how?

3720 votes

Paul Mostert, Aff (South Africa) 6/1/2014 1:14 pm

Affiliate since: 05/07/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
Autopilot in business? No such thing. Yes, there are ways to work smarter,but there is no "autopilot" in any real business. Allow me to explain:

Lets say one open a coffee shop in town. You have to be there every day and serve your customers in a way that will make them feel that they want to return to your shop, but even further....they may bring their friends or family along. At a certain point of success, you may appoint a "manager" for your shop, but you will

When a person joins SFI, what things are the most important for him or her to do?

3714 votes

Paul Mostert, Aff (South Africa) 2/11/2015 6:56 am

Affiliate since: 05/07/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
A new Affiliate's objective should be to earn VersaPoints. is the catch: As "old hands" in SFI, we sometimes assume that the new Affiliates will just know what VP (Versapoints) mean, and that is not the case. As leaders, we must explain to them that Versapoints mean. VersaPoints is the "virtual money unit" used by SFI to calculate commissions.

Only once an Affiliate understand this concept, and understand that he / she can earn VersaPoints by doing the