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How important is it to have a good sponsor and co-sponsor?

5438 votes

Aleksandra Milosevic, Aff (Serbia) 5/7/2015 6:26 pm

Affiliate since: 11/10/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
This is a very interesting questions, and there is more than one answer to it. I would say - it depends on many things.
Firstly, a good sponsor / co-sponsor can be most helpful in the beginning, during the first or second month in SFI. Their support and guidance can save you time and energy if they direct you to all the actions you should do. Secondly, it is encouraging if your sponsor / co-sponsor praise your early efforts and achievements. Simple messages, such as "Congratulations!"

How do you get your affiliates to approach their SFI business realistically, like a real business, and not some get unrealistic rich quick scheme?

5383 votes

Aleksandra Milosevic, Aff (Serbia) 1/1/2014 6:24 am

Affiliate since: 11/10/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
The first thing you should do is that you convince them that SFI business IS a real business. If they think they can get rich in no time and without any effort, they will give up quickly, and you will lose them forever.

What I do when I contact my affiliates is the following:

1. Tell them it will take time to accumulate profit. Business needs time to expand. The same goes with SFI business.
2. Tell them to read and learn. The more they read, the more they will know. One

What should an affiliate do if their sponsor is non-responsive?

5334 votes

Aleksandra Milosevic, Aff (Serbia) 1/1/2014 5:44 am

Affiliate since: 11/10/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
A sponsor is a real person, and an affiliate has to understand that, if he/she is non-responsive, something may have happened to him/her. There is the section "My Upline Support Team" to refer to in case the sponsor cannot be contacted.

In any case, if the sponsor is non-responsive, an affiliate should do the following:

1. Visit SFI regularly and complete to-do list;
2. Go to SFI LAUNCHPAD and revise marketing lessons on a regular basis;
3. Check VP ledger

Is it good for affiliates to have their own ECA store at TripleClicks?

5067 votes

Aleksandra Milosevic, Aff (Serbia) 1/16/2015 5:49 pm

Affiliate since: 11/10/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
This is a really good question.
I strongly believe that everybody should open an ECA store at TripleClicks, because this is what makes this business great. Affiliates can offer their products or services (if they have any) or simply organize an online sale of things they have, but do not need (a kind of a sale) and thus take advantage of possibility to open and online store for free, which is really great.

When I opened my ECA, my first thought was simple - to earn more VersaPoints.

If you already have your five future PTLs identified (per THE PLAN), should you keep developing more first-level stars?

4976 votes

Aleksandra Milosevic, Aff (Serbia) 1/16/2015 5:20 pm

Affiliate since: 11/10/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
This is a very interesting and intriguing question. I admit that I haven't succeeded in developing that many leaders at the same time because they keep coming and going, but I strongly believe that if I had five identified PTLs, I would certainly try to do my best and find and help as many leaders as possible. Why? Well, I believe that any person who wants to make a success in this business should always try to do it following the Olympic motto - Citius - Altius - Fortius - meaning Faster - Higher

How can you determine what TripleClicks product(s) a person might be interested in?

4680 votes

Aleksandra Milosevic, Aff (Serbia) 2/22/2015 8:10 pm

Affiliate since: 11/10/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
This is a really good question.
Advertising TripleClicks products is an excellent way of accumulating income, if you know where and what to advertise. As for myself, I started by examining offers posted by others on Facebook - it was an easy way to see what kind of products attracted people to leave their comments. After a while, I have decided to advertise the following:
a) products that can be great gifts (Christmas gifts, birthday presents or given for Valentine's Day)
b) products

How often should I communicate with my Sponsor and Co-Sponsor?

4449 votes

Aleksandra Milosevic, Aff (Serbia) 2/1/2014 11:34 am

Affiliate since: 11/10/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
I think that you should communicate with your Sponsor and Co-Sponsor very often, whenever you come across an issue you do not understand or which is in any way unclear to you.

Remember, both of them are here to offer you their unlimited support, do not hesitate to turn to them if there is anything that bothers you. Although SFI itself provides excellent reading material on literally every issue possible, there are still many things concerning everyday actions that may be of use to you,

How can membership in a social site like Linkedin help me build my SFI business?

4421 votes

Aleksandra Milosevic, Aff (Serbia) 5/2/2015 11:48 am

Affiliate since: 11/10/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
Linkedin and similar social sites all function on the basis of connecting people from all over the world who share the same interests, ideas, or are in the same or similar business. Therefore, if you list SFI as a company in which or for which you work stating online sale or affiliate marketing as a branch of business, it will automatically draw attention to your profile. It may happen to you (as it has happened to me several times upon listing 'affiliate marketing' as my field of interest) to receive

Should I promote participation in Pricebenders to my team? If so, for what reason(s)?

4273 votes

Aleksandra Milosevic, Aff (Serbia) 5/2/2015 12:07 pm

Affiliate since: 11/10/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
I strongly suggest all members of my team to participate in Pricebenders auctions. There are several reasons for that:
- each bid costs only one TCredit, and you get 1 action point + 5 MRPs (or even 10 MRPs in Double MRP auctions)
- you can use those MRPs to buy TCredits, for example 1 TC costs only 126 MRP, and SFI Affiliates also earn 102.00 VP with each purchase.
- if you are lucky, you can win the product you have bid for, and if the chosen one is PSA or CSA, it will help you

How can I motivate and inspire my team using my SFI Leadership Page?

4134 votes

Aleksandra Milosevic, Aff (Serbia) 5/2/2015 1:06 pm

Affiliate since: 11/10/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
SFI Leadership Page is a great place to direct members of your team and motivate them with inspirational posts. The first thing they see is your picture and your message. Be careful about choosing both of them - these two will present your attitude towards this business. Do not hesitate to change either of them it you think you can present a better picture or a message which is more motivating than a previous one. If English is not your mother tongue, make sure you prepare a good translation of the