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What do you tell prospects who say they aren't interested in SFI because they don't know very many people?

3487 votes

Goran Makvic, Aff (Croatia) 10/24/2013 1:09 pm

Affiliate since: 07/07/2013, Power Rank: 99999999

I like to keep this job simple as it is.

If someone doesn't knows a lot of people, they can try to use S-Builder.

They can, also, try to advertise their job/products on various places.

You'll never know who do you get from S-Builder or add, but be sure that this will expand your own network of affiliates worldwide.

I know a lot of people, but best results have with complete strangers.

Hope this two tips will help.

Which is more effective--paid or free advertising--and why?

3460 votes

Goran Makvic, Aff (Croatia) 10/26/2013 10:49 am

Affiliate since: 07/07/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
Very good question!!!

I'll write down my opinion / experience.

At the beginning, you, usually, dont have any available funds to invest in your business (or you just exploring this possibility).
So, free adds is great option.
Paid adds, usually aim "target audience". So they are better... But, first you must learn terminology... Until You learn such stuff, stick to free adds. When you become ready to make your first paid add, You can have a great network of

I am not very good at talking to people. How can I talk to them about SFI or TripleClicks in a simple and easy way?

3429 votes

Goran Makvic, Aff (Croatia) 4/30/2014 12:49 pm

Affiliate since: 07/07/2013, Power Rank: 99999999

If You're not very good at talking to people, You're at the wright place. :)

At first, do what You can/know. At the same time, You can learn how to do things You're not good at. Try to buy some books (an read them) about the subject You need.

You have wonderful support here... ASK SC, Forum, Support Center, Sponsor, Co-sponsor, Rules of success, Launchpad...

Overfill Yourself with informations, and they'll, simply, start to

Since SFI has been around for many years, is the playing field fair for someone who have just started in SFI like me?

3418 votes

Goran Makvic, Aff (Croatia) 3/18/2014 1:01 pm

Affiliate since: 07/07/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
Hi, there,

It is a nice question!

Of course the playing field is open...

For example, my country has a 257 ECA stores...

This is an Internet marketing business... Many people are just in the process of discovering online purchasing... This is a huge space... If You don't do this, someone else will!!!

Just don't quit, stay persistent, focus on a things you'll buy anyway - everyday. Ttry to add such ECA's...

I hope this was helpful.


I am broke but I really want to make EA this month. What do I do and what is the best advice you can give to me?

3335 votes

Goran Makvic, Aff (Croatia) 8/16/2013 1:38 am

Affiliate since: 07/07/2013, Power Rank: 99999999

I'm constantly confronted with this issue...

Well, this is a boat with two paddles.

SFI will teach You how to do with people and some great marketing skills.

But TC is where money comes from.

So, if You have no money, work harder with Your TripleClicks paddle, but don't forget SFI paddle, so that you wouldn't be rowing in circle...

Find some small business in Your neighborhood, wich will sell their stuff through the TC network.

How do I get my downline to focus on duplication? How do I explain the importance of duplication to them?

2642 votes

Goran Makvic, Aff (Croatia) 10/5/2013 12:20 pm

Affiliate since: 07/07/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
Interesting question.

As I'm considered, duplication in businesses like this one is happening no matter what You do. So try to be positive. Listen and apply what Your up-line do. So will your down-lines. That's all...
Of course, stay positive, and keep learning every day. You can learn on both sides... Up and down. Be open for all informations.

I hope this helps...