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What is the best method to attract and convince people to join SFI?

2492 votes

Juan Nunez, Aff (Venezuela) 3/22/2013 4:25 pm

Affiliate since: 01/02/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
First of all, one should have a professional attitude, you should run a personal blog with updated information.
Present the compensation plan on your blog, and all different incentives people can received.
Best of all, you can show your personal results and achievements.
After your blog is ready, place it on exchange traffic websites, promote your blog on the different social networks.
I am building my right now, sure I am results will be positive, and soon lot of people will

What is the most effective design for a splash page to promote SFI?

1929 votes

Juan Nunez, Aff (Venezuela) 5/23/2013 4:00 am

Affiliate since: 01/02/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
You may have a few things you should avoid and reinforce others, for instance;

Avoid to copy slogans, images for any make money sites.
Avoid using messages offering "getting rich fast"

The use of these things may mislead your prospects and make the walk away or in case they decide to try they may build false expectation, giving you in both cases wrong results.

Emphasize the solid background of SFI and TripleClicks and their members.
Emphasize success