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What form of advertisement have you found to be most successful in sponsoring new affiliates?

6 votes

Richard Burger, Aff (Florida, US) 12/5/2012 1:41 pm

Affiliate since: 07/02/1999, Power Rank: 99999999
Pay per click banner advertising is my best way but I have used employment papers, mlm paper like even SFI has used also for there co-op but you have to be willing to pay money to get good leads almost nothing comes from free places unless you get lucky.

Why does it seem like everyone who joins SFI think it's get-rich-quick?

6 votes

Richard Burger, Aff (Florida, US) 2/15/2013 2:06 am

Affiliate since: 07/02/1999, Power Rank: 99999999
Because there wanting to win the lottery plain and simple and think getting into
a business online will make that happen. That is why I keep getting emails at triple clicks from people asking me that How can I make money fast in this business and I tell them this isn't a get rich over night business it will require alot of work and advertising local and world wide to get sales and people to join them.
It isn't like a job either your not going to make money next week unless you make sales

What would be a good e-mail to send red flagged affiliates to get them active in SFI again?

5 votes

Richard Burger, Aff (Florida, US) 7/22/2012 10:35 pm

Affiliate since: 07/02/1999, Power Rank: 99999999
I send out a email once a month to all red flage affiliates
telling them they are about tobe delete from SFI and put just into triplrclicks like I was told a few months ago by SFI.
They they haven't login to SFI in 360 days and if they wanted to stay in SFI they need to go here and login ASAP
then put in there user ID and password.
Thanks for taking care of this ASAP.
Your Sponsor, co-sponspor, and Team Leader
Richard Burger 80885

How would you rate yourself as a sponsor and do you think your PSAs would agree with your rating?

5 votes

Richard Burger, Aff (Florida, US) 10/28/2012 12:41 am

Affiliate since: 07/02/1999, Power Rank: 99999999
well I am a 5 and my csa's and psa's say the same I do what I ask them to do and so should you.

What is the best way to get new affiliates to focus on the E365 competition?

5 votes

Richard Burger, Aff (Florida, US) 12/20/2012 12:19 am

Affiliate since: 07/02/1999, Power Rank: 99999999
It is part of the learning process for all NEW people that join SFI and also for people during there first 1 year in SFI that is why it is called E365 and if you do all your daily, weekly, monthly, 1 time task in SFI, and also buy item's from triple clicks to give you at least 1500+ VP total in a month to be a EA. Then your also trying items that you know that others might want to buy from you. That way there learning all about SFI and triple clicks and getting rewards for doing so there first month

What is your best way to motivate your downline?

5 votes

Richard Burger, Aff (Florida, US) 2/11/2013 12:21 am

Affiliate since: 07/02/1999, Power Rank: 99999999
action speaks better than words any day if your doing your daily, weekly, monthly, and 1 time task then your downline will also, if your doing your weekly mailing's to all your downline members and CSA's so will they also. If your advertising daily so will your team members and if they need advertising places they will email you also for places and if not there welcome to email me at [email protected] for advertising places just put SFI member needs advertising places and I will send them to you.

How does an affiliate know if he or she is on the right track?

4 votes

Richard Burger, Aff (Florida, US) 7/2/2012 9:37 am

Affiliate since: 07/02/1999, Power Rank: 99999999
well your be doing all your daily, weekly, monthly, and 1 time task. you would be talking to your downline every week, you would used key codes on all your advertising, you would be fellowing SFI's key to success, and you would fellowup with all your new people and make sure there doing what your doing in SFI.

What do you personally envision for your future with SFI?

4 votes

Richard Burger, Aff (Florida, US) 8/27/2012 9:51 am

Affiliate since: 07/02/1999, Power Rank: 99999999
I am positive SFI will be here for years to come and I will make it to PTL
in SFI, I have been in SFI for over 13 years and I lead by example, if I ask you to do something I am doing it also. I will tell you to fellow the rules to success and you will have success in SFI and what ever you may be doing in your life.
There is no other business out there like SFI and I was in a few other MLM business before I came into SFI over 13 years ago and there is no compare to any of them to SFI and

What is the most important benefit, besides money, you have gained from being in SFI?

4 votes

Richard Burger, Aff (Florida, US) 9/26/2012 11:47 pm

Affiliate since: 07/02/1999, Power Rank: 99999999
it is building close friends around the world working together as a team wanting the same thing in life and that can be more important than money it self. So I thank you all in my group being my friend.

What kind of rewards have proven to be the most effective for you for getting inactive affiliates active?

4 votes

Richard Burger, Aff (Florida, US) 11/10/2012 12:34 am

Affiliate since: 07/02/1999, Power Rank: 99999999
Well I have always done psa's to active people and when I win 200 tcredits I will give my active people tcredits and if I see people moving some each month I will give them psa's also at least 2 times a year but I will email all my downline every week try to get all to do something and if I see people working I will also give them psa's in my downline.