Hello Ovidio
Yes Ovidio, In my opinion with out a doubt. There are
a lot of factors an affiliate leave after a short or
long time in the business and suddenly decide to come back.
- Probably didn't understand the business.
- May not have enough help from up line.
- May not the right time due to personal reason
- May not be what he/she thought to be and also
- Didn't earn enough income as easy as he/she thought.
Those and may be other factors made him/her to be inactive
But when an affiliate come back for the second time why not
Embrace and accept him/her with open arms.
Even SFI encourage you to do that when you have a down line
Either PSA/CSA who has not logged in for a long time to encourage
Them to log in to their home page, and also give you a reminder by marking
A red sign next to his/her name who hadn't log for a while, and around their
year anniversary to contact them before their name removed from the system.
I have been here just for a short time but I have an affiliates who came back
After six or seven months of absence do to my constant team emails, and
E cards encouragement to come back and work with me and my team.
And some did. So as long as they are on your list why even wait till
They come back, you also have the opportunity to bring them back.
Probably that what they want to hear and know, there is someone out
there who cares for them.
When he/ she come back on their own all you have to say is you
Are very glad to see him/her coming back after long absence, and
You are ready to help them to succeed here at SFI in every possible
Way and you and your team are there to make it happen to achieve
His/her goal and dream.
Please do this with conviction and truly from your heart.
Hello Ovidio
Yes Ovidio, In my opinion with out a doubt. There are
a lot of factors an affiliate leave after a short or
long time in the business and suddenly decide to come back.
- Probably didn't understand the business.
- May not have enough help from up line.
- May not the right time due to personal reason
- May not be what he/she thought to be and also
- Didn't earn enough income as easy as he/she thought.
Those and may be