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I want to start a newsletter for my team of affiliates. Which topics should I focus on?

5965 votes

Kambhampati Ananta Rao, Aff (India) 11/25/2013 2:27 am

Affiliate since: 02/02/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
Well, I think the newsletter should contain, among other things, news about your team, your downline. Just repeating what is already available in SFI may not serve any purpose. However, important aspects available in SFI could be highlighted, but just one at a time. SFI's "Rules of Success" fall into this category.

First,it is necessary to decide about the periodicity of the newsletter. It should not be too frequent or too delayed. To my mind, a fortnightly newsletter will

What are the things that most make you proud to be an SFI affiliate?

5920 votes

Kambhampati Ananta Rao, Aff (India) 11/25/2013 9:27 pm

Affiliate since: 02/02/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
Maybe I would ask myself what things do NOT make me proud as an SFI affiliate.

SFI has given me a solid plan to occupy myself with a genuine, trustworthy, effective business, which does not compel me to do anything against my own interests. I am proud that I have joined a comity of hard-working affiliates the world over.

The virtual banners I have accumulated over a short period of less than 9 months make me proud that I have done reasonably, if not extraordinarily, well. SFI's

What's best to sell at TripleClicks? Cheap things or more expensive/more valuable items?

5744 votes

Kambhampati Ananta Rao, Aff (India) 11/30/2013 10:11 am

Affiliate since: 02/02/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
All those that are in great demand are best to cell, irrespective of their price tags.

A rare valuable item may not sell easily, but when it sells it boosts the seller's bottom line. A common cheap item, which is available elsewhere also in plenty, may not sell easily, unless the seller offers comparatively better attractive terms.

The sales-volumes do not depend upon the price of the items alone, as everyone in the marketing business knows. There are many other factors like

What would you consider to be too much and unnecessary communication with your team?

5403 votes

Kambhampati Ananta Rao, Aff (India) 11/10/2013 7:33 am

Affiliate since: 02/02/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
Already there is an information overload at SFI. If I start communicating for reasons not that important for the promotion of SFI or my team, it would be unwelcome.

To my mind, all the communication that I send to my team should be absolutely to the point, whenever there happens to be an essential point to be mentioned in order to promote my team's (indirectly, my) interest as well as the interest of promoting SFI for everyone's benefit.

Weekly mails for the entire team may

What do you do with affiliates who never do anything--despite your constant encouragement and offers of support?

5301 votes

Kambhampati Ananta Rao, Aff (India) 11/10/2013 6:50 am

Affiliate since: 02/02/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
I have had this problem, much like innumerable others at SFI.

My weekly mails to my entire down-line receive just a stony silence. What can I do? To be frank with you, I do nothing. I only hope against hope that some day someone will suddenly become active, like a centuries-old dormant volcano shocks its neighborhood by spewing smoke and fire and lava.

The only difference between an inactive affiliate and a dormant volcano is that while the latter is destructive, the former

What should an affiliate do if their sponsor is non-responsive?

5236 votes

Kambhampati Ananta Rao, Aff (India) 1/5/2014 6:52 am

Affiliate since: 02/02/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
I am lucky that I haven't had this problem of an unresponsive sponsor. I believe that a large majority of sponsors who are interested in making it big at SFI are not just responsive but are also very supportive of their downline.

Having said that, I think if any sponsor is non-responsive, it could be so because of the number of affiliates in the sponsor's downline being too large to handle on an individual basis, within the time available at the disposal of the sponsor.


How do you explain to new affiliates what VersaPoints are and what they are used for?

5206 votes

Kambhampati Ananta Rao, Aff (India) 10/9/2013 2:50 am

Affiliate since: 02/02/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
Nice question.
VersaPoints (VP, for short) are points you earn by doing various types of actions. You have a VP Ledger, which gives you an account of the VP you have earned (as also, the VP you can earn, if you do the actions indicated therein).

VP are very important because they are as good as shares in the Executive Pool that determine your earnings, in the long run.

There are basically two types of VP: Sales/Purchase Points and Action Points,indicated by S and A in your

What is the best strategy for earning quickly with SFI?

5043 votes

Kambhampati Ananta Rao, Aff (India) 10/9/2013 3:07 am

Affiliate since: 02/02/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
I think, if you have marketing skills, the easiest and the quickest way to earn money at SFI is to sell the products available at TripleClicks. Commissions on sales are very generous at SFI. Perhaps many people do not know that they can earn $300 or more per month only by selling TCredit packs.

This is the best/quickest money-earning strategy at SFI.

However, the undermentioned methods are also very useful and a must for boosting your income, even if they take more time.


What do successful Leaders in SFI know and do?

4940 votes

Kambhampati Ananta Rao, Aff (India) 11/16/2013 8:03 am

Affiliate since: 02/02/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
All successful Leaders know quite a few of the SFI rules of success and they follow them diligently.

They advertise, recruit, duplicate their work through their down-line, are consistent and patient. They invest time, money and energy in SFI. They know that the return on investment (ROI) is a factor of their contribution to the promotion of SFI / Tripleclicks.

They face failures with courage, as any risk they take is, after all, a risk. You lose some, you win some. They do take

What are some methods to attract ECAs in areas where many do not yet trust online businesses?

4683 votes

Kambhampati Ananta Rao, Aff (India) 11/2/2013 3:14 am

Affiliate since: 02/02/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
In my view, distrust is built-in into many prospects, whether they are your target ECAs or just affiliates or target members of tripleclicks. There are many scams pertaining to online businesses, you know. As such their distrust is understandable.

How to erase this distrust? That is a major problem, to which there aren't any easy or quick solutions.

One thing you have to do is to explain the facts about SFI's online business, particularly, how genuine everything is about tripleclicks: